soldier of vigor

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"Where's Ren?"

"He's alright," answered the captain. "But, if you don't come with us, that could change."

I swallowed. "I'm not a threat. I swear it."

He walked towards me, until I was looking up at him. "The king will be the judge of that."

Grabbing my wrists, he held them up as a soldier placed metal cuffs around me. "Let's go," he said shoving me forward.

Where was Sorin?

I stumbled down the steps and outside to see Ren unconscious on the ground.

"Ren," I cried out.

I tried, running towards him, only to be yanked back.

"He's alive," said the captain. He pulled me until I was standing behind a black horse. Grabbing a chain, he locked me to the back of its saddle. "You will walk."

He looked at the other two soldiers and nodded. They both climbed on their horses, the captain following suit, and began walking. My wrists were yanked forward, forcing me to move.

"Ren!" I cried out again.

I tried to use my power, but couldn't. Instead, I was welcomed with a piercing headache. I looked back at him and watched him until I could no longer see him. A tear ran down my face as I continued forward.

I was scared. Terrified. My heart was racing. My muscles were tense. My breaths came out shallow. Was I going to be taken to the celestials? Or killed? I didn't have my power, so I couldn't fight back. I felt weak and helpless.

I don't how long I was walking, but my legs hurt. With each step, I felt like I was forcing my legs to move. It must've been hours. My ears perked up to shouts as we neared the imperium, Direshare.

"Keep back!" screamed a guard.

"Make way! Make way!" yelled another.

My heart began thumping in my ears. The streets were cleared as soldiers held the people back.

"Demon!" yelled someone.


"Kill the elf!"

I gasped as something mushy hit the side of my face. The taste of tomato hit the inside my mouth. I fought the urge to gag. The captain just shook his head as more people threw fruits and vegetables at me, cursing at me. Another tomato hit me, red smearing on top. I kept my face down, following the horse's steps.


I shot my head up, looking around.


I turned my head to see Sorin trying to fight through as a group of soldiers that held him back.

"Sorin!" I cried, as I yanked on the chain, praying that it would break. But, I continued being dragged forward, the chain remaining sturdy. I tried to yank my wrists out, ignoring the pain and scratching.

I turned to see him lying on the ground with soldiers holding him down. "I'll come for you!"

My vision blurred as I nodded, believing him.

"Nikos! You swore to me!"

I looked to see Annie being held back by a soldier. Her glossy eyes locked with mine. "I am so sorry, Fae. I am so sorry."

"Shut it!" yelled the captain. "You betrayed me, Annie! My wife!"

"This is wrong! And you know it!" she was shoved to the ground by the soldier as he cursed at her.

Last of Her Kind (Book 1, Part 1, of the LAST series)Where stories live. Discover now