Chapter 28

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Christian rolled over, vibrations from his phone waking him from the best sleep. He moved quickly to silence it before it woke everyone else.

He yawned, the bright screen blurring his vision for a moment before he adjusted to it. He pulled on some boxers, and stood up.

He had no plans to work today. After Winnie had fallen asleep the first time, after Lex got his turn with her, the three of them had decided they were well overdue for taking a day. They had no intention of leaving their bed or their girl.

But he recognized the number as one of the judges and he figured they had come to a verdict.

"Alpha Christian," he answered, going to his office so he didn't disturb their sleep.

"Alpha, the judges have come up with the sentencing for Mr. Ledger and it will be announced at the hearing today. We saw your email that you will not be joining us, but you will pleased to know that we will be giving him the maxium alloted jail time."

"Excellent to hear," he said. "Confirming that is his entire life?"

"Yes, Alpha," he said. "The remaining trials will follow this basis with similar sentencing. The only issue I have is with Mike. He is the only one to have shown remorse, and actually pleaded guilty."

"Yes, he needs to be looked into further. Save him for the end so we can do so, and we will talk later. Please keep me updated, just no more phone calls today." Christian stood from his desk chair, trying to quiet his yawn. He couldn't wait to go back to sleep.

"Yes, Alpha."

The phone clicked and Christian left it at his desk. It was no surprise that Wilder was awake. He could tell Winnie was too, but her eyes were still closed.

"Everything alright?" Wilder mumbled. Winnie finally glanced up and he smiled at her.

"Yes, just got an update that Thomas will be in prison for the rest of his life," he announced.

Winnie's jaw dropped. She never imagined that he wouldn't, but she never expected to feel so free from it. Thomas was no longer there. She would never have to think about him ever again.

"I can't believe it," she whispered, snuggling into Wild. She addressed all of them, "Thank you for everything you have done for me."

Wikder rubbed her back as Christian got into bed.

Lex pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes. He slapped Christian's arm. "I thought we agreed no clothes in bed today."

"Good morning to you too," Christian said, rolling his eyes. "I was not going to take my work call naked."

He shed his boxers, happy to crawl under the warm sheets.

Winnie yawned, "You all did not let me sleep at all last night. I plan on sleeping the rest of the day."

"Yeah, right," Wilder said, rolling his eyes. He reached a hand between her legs and she jerked away, moving to lay on Lex instead.

"I need my own bed," she decided, teasingly.

"We would only follow you," Lex said, squeezing her tight. She giggled, sitting up slightly to find Christian had already gone back to sleep.

Winnie settled, feeling Wilder against her back. She fell asleep once more.


The next time Christian woke, it was late afternoon and he was hungry. He sat up, glancing at the trio next to him that were completely snuggled up.

And as much as he considered joining them, his abandoned stomach rumbled. He needed to get some food and water in them anyway.

He worked on a massive casserole with eggs and sausage and biscuits, also pulling stuff out for pancakes.

"Can I help?" Wilder asked, startling him. He immediately apologized for scaring him.

"I didn't even hear you get up," Christian said. "You didn't have to get up."

"It's okay," Wilder answered, skimming his hand gently along Christian's toned back.  "I like to help you." He took the spatula from Christian, taking over the pancake flipping.

Christian took a moment to soak Wilder in. He was so handsome and buff from all of his training.

Wilder turned, feeling his gaze. "Am I in your way?"

"No," Christian said.

He saw Wilder's lips turn up and Christian smiled.

"I'm just thankful to have you in my life," Christian decided finally. He wouldn't be complete without all of them.

"I thought Lex was the cheesy one, but I think it's you," Wilder teased.

He sighed, "It's most definitely me."

Wilder moved out of the way so Christian could pull the casserole out of the oven.

"That looks fucking amazing," Wilder complimented. "I am so hungry."

"Imagine how little Winnie feels. She was the one doing all of the work."

"She is very outnumbered," Wilder gave a deep, almost dark chuckle.

Lex came shuffling in, a pair of pajama pants hanging low on his hips. "I smell food."

"Did you leave Winnie?" Christian asked.

"She was still fast asleep," Lex said. "I wasn't sure if I should wake her yet."

"I have another batch of pancakes to do and then we can eat," Wilder said. Lex started gathering the dishes to set the table.

"I'll wake her," Christian said, already leaving the kitchen.

He eyed the little lump in their insanely large and messy bed. She had her head between two pillows, and her braided hair was all over the place. She was absolutely stunning.

He got in bed, shaking her gently.

"Baby," he cooed, nuzzling her face. "I made breakfast. Why don't you come eat a little something?"

She whined, flipping around so she could curl into his chest.

"You can go right back to sleep," he promised.

Her stomach growled and he chuckled, rubbing her back.

"I am hungry," she admitted, voice muffled by his shirt. "But I'm comfy."

"Come on. Let me carry you."

Christian wrapped her in a blanket, placing her on his hip.

Wilder and Lex had finished getting everything ready. One of them had cut up some fruit.

"This is fancy," Winnie said, a happy smile gracing her lips. She kissed Christian gently, before reaching for Wilder.

"Pretty princess," Wilder said, setting her in his lap. He made her a plate, and then his own.  Everything was perfect.

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