Cyrus borg log: 1

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((A/n: okay I know I said I'd do another log but I'm trying to keep my 3 on 3 pattern here 🙄🤞))

" I specifically remeber when I first meet...Tami "

I finished programing a new code for T4-M1-AA-100 and uploaded it to her as she sat on a chair with a bunch of cords connected too her.

From playing around with kids earlier, she was being fixed by doctor Julian, who sighed annoyed by how rough the kids could be

"Oh-! I love all her little details especially her satellite bow but how can I keep it on her when these kids won't leave it alone!"

He groaned as he placed a bow like part of her on her head and she booted back up. She blinked And looked around before looking at doctor Julian...and smiled. Julian looked at me confused and I looked at him confused too

"Did you not program that?" He tilted his head and Tami copied him

"No?...ah, Tami, dont do that, you don't need to, your eyes could never go dry" I tried laughing it off "You're not human like us"

"Oh- but popp~!!" She whined "all the kids do that! Why can't I?! It's not fair, everyone says I look weird because I don't blink!" She pouted a bit and crossed her arms 

A shiver went down my spine

It was learning...


It wasn't supposed to learn, it was supposed to listen and help around after it's been programed too so

T4-M1-AA-100 has 50,000 programs into her

All of these programs are more like, videos, simulations to do for any and every situation to help humanity live and grow. Somthing she can't do.

Julian saw how nervous I was and stood between us so I wouldn't see her, even if she was equally as scared

"Tamora, where did you.... learn to do this?"

"Huh?" She peeked at me before looking back at Julian "did... I do somthing wrong?... my scanners show me that your anxiety levels are rising, I'm only copying what the kids are doing! They said that it's how humans are so I should blend in with them to seem normal!" 

" oh no no don't worry! We just haven't decided what to have for lunch yet!....t- that's all"

"Oh-! Papa! You and dad should have said somthing soon! I'll go fix somthing yummy for you right away!"

"Ah- that won't be necessary" Julian laughed nervously and pulled a brush out and scissors to pull out a peace of gum out of her hair and he perfected her again "I need to fix you up before playing again so please wait a little longer, besides your programs are being added"

"Okayy... I hate programs, why can't I just learn it with the kids? They get bored because I know everything they do"

"Do they now! Well maybe we should get you to act more curious and dunce then" He joked. But it angered me

I stood up and grabbed his shoulder "julian!"


I glared at him and pulled him out the room "you-! Stay"

She gave me a sad look before I pulled him away and shoved him agenst the wall

"What do you THINK you're doing?? You're allowing her to have these emotions??" I whisper shouted

"Cyrus- please don't get the wrong idea! I- I'm as scared as you are!"


Julian gulped and looked away before pressing his hands agenst my chest to push me out of his way but he didn't and instead stayed and just brushed dust off my coat

"a robots lonley journey"; T4-M1 side story (ninjago oc)Where stories live. Discover now