Log 1?

504 19 10

He scrolled on his phone, bored out of his mind

A notification popped up

He checked it out

" Someone brave and strong, huh? "

Tissues looked over

" Huh?? "

" Oh shut up Tissues! "

" Whatever attendance Trophy.. "

Trophy scoffed at the nickname, before looking back at his phone

He thought for a moment, before getting up

" Where you off too? "

" I don't know, might've if you didn't call me an attendance Trophy. " he said in an annoyed tone

" Well I'm SORRY you attended and didn't win first second or even third place "

" Ugh, whatever. " he turned and slammed the door

Test tube paced back and forth

" is he coming?? Will he even care?? He might not even read the messages I mean- "

Trophy fell through the tube to her lab, interrupting her moment

" OH! Hello Trophy! I'm assuming you wanted to volunteer for the tests? "

He just nodded rolling his eyes

" well someones in a bad mood " she muttered to herself

" What was that? "

" n-NOTHING- NOTHING! Mmmmoving on!! Follow me! "

She led him through a seemingly endless hallway

" Sooo... this seems like a random question but do you have any and I mean any phobias? "

" Umm.. What kind of question is that?? "

" just answer the question. "

He had never actually seen her serious before, so the quick change of tone surprised him

" ..and why should I tell you? "

" If you don't you're going to regret coming here. "

This specifically sent a shiver down his spine, but he still attempted to act like he didn't care

" Ugh... fine.. I have claustrophobia and emetophobia I guess?? Why do you want to know anyways.. "

" Oh! Well I'm going to see how you react to some of your phobias! "

" ...what. "

" Studying how an object would react to a frightening situation for them is important for my research at the moment! "

" ... "

He didn't want to be here anymore, he walked back slightly, trying to be a little quiet, because test tube was infront of him and might not notice

She quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him forward

" And where are you going? "

" I'm going back. "

She laughed, beginning to get tired of this whole "harmless" thing with his personality

" just stop being difficult and maybe it won't be so bad. "

She tugged on his arm, dragging him forward slightly

" OW! What are you doing!? Get off me! " he tugged back, trying to get out of her grasp, before suddenly being interrupted

" We're here. "

Lmao did I wreck the tension there

Delicate Decimation, Ex. 89Where stories live. Discover now