Log 1.

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I managed to get Trophy in his room
I think it's finally time I have some fun with this
It'll only be tame,
It won't do any actual physical harm to him
It'll just be a harmless illusion
I'm not doing anything wrong doing this
It's fine
I don't even NEED to worry about that
As I said, it's just harmless experimentation
Just to see how he'd react
Nothing more, nothing less

He attempted to get out any way he could
Just a small, white room
He couldn't hear anything from outside, but test tube could hear him
All he could hear was himself and his footsteps
He was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic in the room


Test tube laughed, staring at him
She could tell he was beginning to freak out
She went inside, Trophy stopped in his tracks
He then ran towards her, attempting to fight her
Sadly, she knew exactly what he was like
Shoving a vial into his mouth quickly and without hesitation when he got close

" Why do you have to be soooo difficult, it's so unnecessary, I hadn't even done anything yet.. "
" What did you jus....t... "

she sighed, watching him fall to the ground, knocked out cold, before beginning to grin slightly
It was almost as if he was the perfect first subject
He was difficult, but he's so strong
If I could wear him down enough to the point he isn't gonna bother fighting anymore, for one I could use him for my advantage on other subjects with his strength, and I could go a bit rougher on him, he won't die-

What am I saying
This was supposed to be a harmless experiment
Don't get ahead of yourself Test tube, you can't go too far with this
That's just crazy, why would I even think like that in the first place
She decided to leave the room once more, slamming the door shut

She had given him a vial to make his body think it needed to be sick, so it still wouldn't count as actual harm!
But obviously, she was stretching that to its limit already..

" Ugh..... what... "
He had woken up, attempting to get up before feeling sick, sitting back down promptly
" What did you do... "
He began to feel it
The feeling to be sick
He looked around aimlessly, his breathing beginning to speed up
All he could do was be sick, he caught sight of a bucket Test tube had left for him
He didn't want to
He began to really panic
He didn't think he could let her actually go through with this
But he did
He let her do this to him
He could ran away
Or just not even come here
He didn't even like Test tube
And now he's panicking over this
He vomited, he couldn't stop his own body from vomiting
He sobbed and choked, he got this dreadful anxious feeling as his stomach turned
He vomited multiple times.

But it didn't stop there
Awhile later, he was just dreading what was next
He knew
Test tube walked back in the room.

SORRY ITS ANOTHER WRITING ONLY CHAPTER!!! I've been sick and haven't had the motivation to draw panels...
But uhmmmm hope you liked this?? Aaaaa scry...

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