Chapter 4

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Klaus let out a dry laugh.

"Like hell you are," he said coldly.

Elijah, however, seemed to believe her instantly. Probably because he heard her heartbeat, and it didn't jump the way a liar's would. "Why do you say this?" he asked, walking closer to her. "You appear certain."

"It's a long story," Amaris replied, trying to not let her nerves get to her. "But... it turns out," she gestured to him, Finn, and Kol, "you have another half-sibling. On Mikael's side. That happens to be... me."

Klaus was no longer laughing. In fact, he looked furious. Finn, Kol, and Elijah, however, were all intrigued. Hayley and Marcel were just staring at her in disbelief. The hybrid especially seemed to be thinking, 'Why do Mikaelson siblings keep appearing?'

"He had an affair," she explained. "With my mother... the Alpha of the Paxon Wolf Pack. Soyala Paxon. I believe it was around the same time Esther and Ansel's affair led to the conception of Klaus. Mikael... went home, and my mother found out she was pregnant shortly after. When I was older, she learned he'd been married the entire time... that he had children. She'd hidden the truth from me my entire life, and so, I went looking for all of you when I learned you became vampires. I was about to find you when I was killed. I spent a thousand years on the Other Side, and suddenly, I arrived here, with Ansel."

"It's true," said Finn quietly. "Our mother... she mentioned she brought another person back. But I had no idea..."

"Hang on then," said Kol. "Are you another little sister, or...?"

"Older than you and Rebekah," she said. "But younger than Finn, Elijah, and Klaus."

"Damn," said Marcel, trying to diffuse the tension as the information sank in. Apparently, Amaris had made a good impression on him, because he said, "I tend to like the Mikaelson sisters better. No wonder you can kick ass so well, you're from the kind of wolves that didn't take anybody's shit, ever."

Amaris quickly shook her head at the term he'd used to refer to her. "No, I don't know how I feel about being called... a Mikaelson. I know I basically am a Mikaelson but... I was a Paxon my whole life." She gulped, looking at her brothers. Now was the moment of truth. Would they kill her, or would they hug her? "Please... say you believe me, at least. And please, let me talk to Rebekah... I'm already really bummed out that I never got to meet Henrik, and I always wanted a sister and she's the only one I really have."

None of them knew what to tell her. But at last, Elijah offered, "You ought to stay here, it's far too late to travel to the Bayou on your own. If what you say is true..."

"We are not going to let her stay here," said Klaus sharply, not about to entertain this any longer. "She could be a thief, looking to steal information from us."

Amaris rolled her eyes. "For a thousand years, I've watched your paranoia worsen and worsen, but that is ridiculous, even for you. I knew you wouldn't like me, but to think me a thief?"

"You know nothing about me," he spat.

"I know everything about all of you," she said loudly. "I was denied my chance to ever meet you before I died, and I spent centuries watching over you. I saw every time you daggered our siblings—"

"You are not my sister," snarled Klaus. "They are not 'our' siblings, they are my siblings. My family. One you do not form a part of, and will never form a part of! Even if you are the product of Mikael's lechery, all it makes you is the daughter of a monster!"

"I know what he did to you," she spat back. "I don't come here defending him. I never even met him! I'm here because I wanted to meet all of you, but I assure you, I do not excuse what he did. The man I thought was my father did a very similar thing to me."

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