Chapter 27

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Her head ached.

She could sense she'd been dosed with wolfsbane, somehow, because otherwise, the awful pounding sensation in her temples would have gone away by now.

Amaris opened her eyes, her surroundings unfamiliar. She wasn't tied down, but she was seated in a corner of a fairly dark room, bearing random metal structures around her.

"You're awake."

She flinched when Tristan's voice rang through the room. He walked in, motioning for her to remain seated.

"What is this?" she said groggily. "Why am I here?"

"If I'm being honest, my dear," he said, "you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. My lieutenant was sent to fetch the pendant. However, she knew you would run to your siblings immediately. And so, she brought you along. As extra bait, we'll say."

She managed to roll her eyes. "So what, my predicament boils down to bad luck?"

"If I could compel you, I would allow you to leave unharmed. Unfortunately, I must keep you weak for the sake of the guards that will be watching you."

She held up her unbound hands. "You really trust me, don't you?"

"I know how you fared against Shen Min. You aren't a threat even without the wolfsbane in your system. I aim to minimize your suffering. You were not my target."

She tensed. "If not me, then who?"

He smirked. "Some littermates of yours. Oh, forgive me, not littermates— very distant cousins."

She was confused, and so he said more bluntly, "Your sister-in-law and her husband."

"No," she whispered. "What do you want with them?"

"I have the Serratura," he said. "I have it activated. I didn't even have to bring Finn out from the pendant to have it done. That certainly would have been facilitated by you being kept here, as he would have done it immediately to protect you. Your siblings need only turn themselves over, and Hayley will be free."

"What about Jackson?"

He shrugged. "Collateral damage. Hayley tortured me. The true way to hurt a hybrid is to kill the person she is closest with... well, second in this instance considering her true love is my sire."

"Please, don't do this," she pleaded. "If you really want to minimize my pain, then please don't hurt Jackson. He's my friend. Please..."

"As adorable as this is, his outcome will not change no matter how much you beg, my dear. I do offer my condolences. I have no quarrel with you. I'd like to avoid any further problems with Lucien."

Amaris went rigid, and his lips curled upward. "Just how long did you think you could keep that hidden? Why, when you arrived here, I entered your mind and saw all of it with such ease. You are a bad liar. Alas, the things one does for love, yes? I cannot fault you for having feelings, even if it is for a peasant like him. You are the most emotional of your siblings... the most compassionate."

"Compassionate?" she said dryly. "You clearly don't know me very well."

"Compassionate," he repeated. "Arrogant even more so. Childish as well. The truth is, I now know everything about you, Amaris. I have witnessed every moment in your life. Understood all of your pain. I could help you, if you'd like."

She didn't face him, feeling horribly exposed. He moved closer. "Lucien's science can only go so far. I, however, have the power of an entire Coven doing my bidding. I could give you what you seek... immortality without having to be a hybrid. I could even have my witches heal that injury that prevents you from having a family of your own. If you really wished to have children with him or anyone else, I could make it possible."

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