Raven - Evening

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"So, how was the meeting?"

Hazel flopped on her bed and covered her face with a pillow. "Awful."

Raven rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's dramatics and gently pulled the pillow away from Hazel's face. "Don't suffocate, babe."

Hazel grinned and sat up. "You'd want to too if you had to put up with Emily."

Raven fake-gagged. "Gross. Why did you make her a prefect anyway?"

Hazel shrugged. "Headmistress suggested it, and it was much easier to go with her than to attempt to get someone else approved."

Raven brushed a curl away from Hazel's face. "That's fair. Is she trying to start shit?"

Hazel sighed. "Not really. She's just very...aggressive about the rules. She isn't going to be someone who will make allowances for circumstances. Which isn't necessarily bad, but sure isn't going to make my job any easier."

Raven nodded slowly. "I get it. As long as she's fair."

"She'd better be. If I hear she's targeting anyone, I won't hesitate to step in."

Raven shivered a little at Hazel's tone, and Hazel gave her a little smile. "You alright, love?"

"I forgot how serious you can sound sometimes. It's kinda terrifying."

Hazel's smile turned to a grin. "Good. That's the goal."

Raven rolled her eyes playfully. "And here I thought you'd gone all soft."

Hazel faked a glare. "Whatever could've given you that impression?"

Raven stood up and began pacing slowly around the half unpacked room. "Oh, just that I know for a fact I have you wrapped around my finger. You've gone soft, Hazel Marie."

Hazel stood up and began slowly walking towards Raven. "Have I?"

"I think so, my love."

In a flash, Hazel backed Raven up until she had her gently pinned against a wall. "I think not."

Raven felt a rush of blood to her face and for the first time in quite a while, found herself completely speechless.

Hazel grinned. "Something got your tongue?"

Rather than come up with any reply, Raven decided on the direct route, leaning down to kiss her girlfriend. She could feel Hazel smiling and pulled her closer.

"God, I've missed you."

"And I, you."

A door slammed in the hallway and Raven flinched, causing Hazel to pull back. After a second, she relaxed again and shot Hazel an apologetic smile. 

"Sorry. Doors... yknow."

Hazel intertwined her fingers with Raven's and pulled her over to her bed, cuddling up next to her once they both sat down.

"Was everything okay the last few weeks? I'd have texted more if I could've."

Raven nodded. "It's alright. He was just more on edge than usual, that's why I asked you to text less. If he ever went through my phone and saw our messages..." She couldn't help but wince at the thought of what that would be like.

Hazel laid her head on Raven's shoulder. "I understand. I'm not upset, love. I'm just glad you're safe now."

Raven couldn't quite come up with an answer, so instead she dropped a kiss on the top of Hazel's head before leaning against her, focusing on making her heart beat more steadily.

Hazel was technically right. She was safe, at least for the moment, but it didn't keep the echoes of the summer from creeping in. Being out at school, being with Hazel, being herself was amazing, but it had been almost two years, and hiding it from everyone else in her life was getting more and more difficult. Especially with her dad being so invasive of her privacy.

Raven couldn't help but let out a sigh. It was hard. But it was worth it, to protect herself and Hazel, and maybe even Skie. Her baby sister was sensitive, that much upset in the house wouldn't be good for anyone.

"Yeah?" Hazel asked softly.

Raven snapped out of her thoughts. "What?"

"You sighed."

Raven blinked several times. "It's nothing. Just thinking."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Raven shook her head. "Not really. I'd rather just distract myself for a bit."

Hazel shrugged. "Fair enough. How do you plan to do that?"

A slow grin spread across Raven's face. "I have a few ideas."

Hazel smirked. "This is going to involve you distracting me too, isn't it?"


"Well, I suppose I'll allow it. Just this once."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say."

"Incorrigible." Hazel murmured as Raven pulled her closer. The inside joke turned term of endearment made Raven's heart flutter.

I'm here. And for now, that's enough.

AN: Thank you for reading! Sorry that this one was a bit short, there's really only so much that can happen in these first few chapters, I promise it will speed up a bit from here.

Also, happy pride month to my fellow gays! And if you're not gay, you're still valid lol.

Next up, the *actual* first day of school ft. Lil!

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