Hazel - Mediation

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AN: Please note that this chapter does contain the spanking of teens, if this bothers you, don't read it. As always, the author does not condone spanking as a real life punishment.

As Hazel packed up her cello for the weekend, she allowed herself another long sigh.

I'm going to rewrite Murphy's law. Any of my friends that can get in trouble, will. Apparently.

The head girl swung her bag over her shoulder and turned towards the door. She could see Daisy and Tate waiting nearby, standing close to each other. Daisy looked a little nervous, Tate looked upset, and Hazel bit back another sigh. She motioned with her head for the girls to follow her and silently lead the way down the hall to the upper discipline room. As she walked, she was deep in thought about the situation she'd gotten into. 

Best to just explain it to them. They'll understand. And I know exactly what I'm going to do.

Hazel unlocked the door and motioned the girls inside. Although it was a different room, it looked exactly like the lower discipline room, and the two girls made their way over to the couch.

Tate had barely sat down before she began to protest. "Jamison, this is ridiculous. Daisy literally did nothing, and I barely did anything, and I think-"

"Cool your jets, Morris. I haven't even done anything yet." Hazel sighed yet again.

Tate blinked for a moment, likely surprised at Hazel's informal tone. "So you aren't going to punish us?"

"I didn't say that."

"Jamison, I swear-"

"Enough, Ms. Morris."

Tatum froze and leaned back on the couch warily. Hazel rocked back on her heels, relaxing her tone again. "I need you two to trust me. Can you do that?"

The two glanced at each other before Daisy nodded. "I trust you. Thanks for stopping Emily, by the way. I don't think she'd have been too nice about it."

Hazel snorted. "Undoubtedly." The so-called miscreants seemed mollified at this, at least for the moment, so Hazel began to explain, pacing back and forth as she did so.

"Now, if it were up to me, I would probably do absolutely nothing about this...because that was funny as hell. However, the grievance lies not with me but with Ms. Franklin."

"It was a joke."

Hazel raised her hand. "I am aware of that. Ms. Franklin feels slighted, however." She paused, choosing her next words carefully.

"I'm not allowing Ms. Franklin to deal with you, because I have no doubt that she would be needlessly harsh. However, I can't let you off with no punishment. If I were to do so, it would go over very badly. Emily is aware that you are my friends: if I were to pull rank on her and then do nothing, she could claim that I was playing favorites, and could call my authority into question. So, as your Head Girl, I have to punish you. Off the record," Hazel let her head girl voice drop completely as a small grin slipped onto her face. "I couldn't be prouder."

Tate smirked at that, and Daisy smiled, and Hazel relaxed a little. "Okay. If you have no further questions and/or complaints, let's get this over with. Both of you, blazers off and back over here."

The girls stood, and as they removed their jackets, Hazel stepped over to the cupboard and inspected her options. Secretly, she missed her old room, as the implements were considerably lighter, but after a moment, she made her decision. Hmm...this looks good and I'll have good control over it.

"Hazel!" Daisy protested as Hazel pulled out a thick, heavy paddle with several holes in it.

"Do you remember what I just asked?" Hazel stared down her younger friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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