dedicated to

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This book is dedicated to my favorite streamer Steve The Weeb and all the other streamers who have welcomed me into the twitch community with open arms ..... but its mostly for steve lmao I know that you say I don't have to donate anything but I decided to anyway its not money or anything material but it is my time effort and thanks to one awesome dude who makes me laugh for a couple of hours a day so please enjoy my book and laugh cry and hug your friends cause this was the most effort I have put into writing something I care about.

p.s  side story 

the inspiration to get me back into writing wasn't a thought or a suggestion it was one night on twitch when steve and sandy were streaming and ducky was watching both of them with glee! sandy just so happened to be doing her infamous chaos days stream and she was broken many many times during such period. but on the second to last day sandy inspired me through her agony when she read one of the fanfictions she had written to everyone on stream so that got me started but what made me decide to do this for steve was the fact that he deserved a badass story of true knighthood. and that he was the first streamer I followed.

so thank you so much to Sandy Lightning and Steve The Weeb for making this story come alive.


thank you to Momma Ninja for helping me with the process and introducing me to twitch in the first place! and thank you to Dancing ninja for supporting my creative process!

 this book is  dedicated to 









and none other than Steve The Weeb

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