~Chapter 2: Mystery Hotline~

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Joy watched as Jacket walked down to the basement while Dallas counted out Joy's share of the money. He flipped through the thick stack of bills before holding it towards her. "You did good, Kid. Glad to have you in the crew."

Joy's head whipped back towards the gang leader, realizing that he had spoken to her. "Hm? Oh, yeah. It was nothing." She grabbed the stack and smiled. Her first payday. She could get used to this. Joy shoved the wad of cash into her coat pocket before turning back to Dallas. "Hey, by the way, what's up with that Jacket guy? Seems like a bit of a drag."

Dallas turned to Wolf, them both holding eye contact for a moment. "He's just... not very social." Dallas shrugged his shoulders.

"Well yeah, I could've guessed that much." Joy rolled her eyes. "I mean, like, how did you guys meet?"

Wolf slung one of the cash bags over his shoulder, picking up another with his other hand. "We met through the Dentist. You know... The contractor." He stammered, walking downstairs towards the vault, motioning for Joy to follow. "Yeah, he had a job for us to kill a mob boss, a-and he said that Jacket would be a good asset to the mission."

"He was completely reckless." Dallas butted in. "No communication, no plan, no fear."

They grew quiet as they got down to the basement hallway, not wanting to echo through it. Joy could feel a surge of discomfort radiating off the two men as they picked up the pace. Wolf only spoke up once they were in the vault, dropping the bags to start unloading the money.

"We don't really know what he did before now. We did hear reports about a murder spree in Miami a few years ago, but..."

"But you're too scared to ask him about it?" Joy raised a brow, the corners of her lips being tugged into a smirk.

Dallas' face scrunched into a frown. "What? No! It's just none of our business to know what he did before joining."

Joy held her smirk as she hummed. "Mhm. Sure." She snickered, helping empty the last bag into the vault. "Welp, I'm off to spend my entire paycheck. Later." She headed out of the vault, waving back to the heisters.

She walked down the hallway, annoyed she didn't get as much info as she liked. Guess she had to find out more elsewhere.

The brunette stopped at the spiral staircase, staring at the cage nearby. Neon lights glowed through the chain link fence as soft retro music played. Perhaps I could ask him directly. I mean, what's the worst he could do, kick me out? But it's pretty late. He's probably asleep. She mentally argued with herself before hearing a tape recorder scratch a few times.

Definitely not asleep. She thought. Quit being such a wuss and get in there. Joy furrowed her brows, feeling a boost of adrenaline course through her.

But then, the panic set in. What made Dallas and Wolf so afraid of him? Is it really a good idea to go in by myself with no info about this guy? I mean, he lives in a cage for crying out loud!

So Joy turned around and walked out from where she came, determined to get as much info about this mysterious Jacket character as she could.

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