Jonathan x Fem!Reader

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Requested by : TaelinMcRae
A/N : Hey, I don't know if this really sounds like overprotective but I tried my best!😭😭

Y/N who always loved seeing beautiful sceneries in every place ever since she was in her childhood, she would always wake up in the bright early morning with a sweet smile painted on her face, going out on a walk outside of her hometown just to admire the whatever meets her satisfaction. It could be different types of animals, flowers, or even just admire how her hometown looks like for afar.  Though some people mistreat her because of her kind behavior. A very kind girl who just gets thrown such rude words at her by random boys at the street, the street she lives in filled with filth, sickening people, and the smell of rotten cheese. Because of this horrid place, Y/N found it hard to just stay inside her own house, she once wondered what does it look like from the outside of this place? She could only imagine and dream about what it could be. Curiosity only grew and grew everytime she always think about it, but one day when she was walking in her street she found a huge tunnel, a long tunnel that had visibly bright light at the end of the opposite side of the tunnel, she never saw this tunnel before, she thought that the bright light was very beautiful, could she ever get any closer? she wanted to reach the light that shines her way, she approached the tunnel with her own eyes filled with dazzling sparkles. Reaching to the end the bright light had disappeared, but she was faced with the green grass, hills, trees and the breezy wind, everything was so lively.. it was so colorful unlike where she lives, at that moment she felt like her breath was taken away, she never knew that she could ever witness something breathtaking like this, it left her jaw dropped, was what she was seeing real? Could she ever visit this beautiful place again? 


Waking up excitingly once her mother had called her name for breakfast, "Y/N! Breakfast!" her mother slightly shouted, you immediately opened your eyes and sat up to stretch some of your joints and muscles, you stood up happily walking up to your mother who made eggs and sausages for breakfast, "Goodmorning mother." you planted a kiss on her cheek, "Goodmorning my sweet beautiful Y/N." your mother smiled, "Now eat up and restore those energy!" Your family lived a poor life, your father was always out to go work, he was always busy because of it. Sometimes he would come home drunk and end up having a fight with your mother, you do love your father, he was such a hardworking man and caring too but him returning back home while he's alcoholic was the part you dislike the most about him, Seeing him putting up again another fight with your mother could surely make you not sleep another night.  You could hear your mother's cries and sorrows making your heart sting, that was the part you dislike seeing from your mother. You didn't know what to do or how to make something like this stop, the only thing you could ever cope with these types of event was just going outside of your hometown and take a walk. Just a walk was all you ever needed to forget everything. 

You finished eating your food still feeling a bit more hungry, "I'm full! Thank you for the wonderful breakfast you made mother!" you said knowing that you're lying to your own mother, "You're full already? Well I'm glad about that, good thing my budget fitted with the meal." you became worried, "Mother? Have you not ate anything?" you stood up with your voice having a hint of concern, your mother chucked a little, "It's fine hun I-" before your mother could speak you cut her off, "Don't worry mother, I'll get you some apples outside I promise." you spoke with determination filling you, your mother didn't want you to get anything for her. She always putted you first before herself,  but this time you didn't want to hesitate, "I'm going out! No matter what you say I'll still get you those apples!" you quickly went out the door and walked off in a haste. Walking to the familiar street you would always go, different directions, "Hey! I saw your father kissing another woman last night!" a guy shouted following along a group of faint laugh at the background, you knew that they were laughing at you, you walked faster then to finally reaching the same old tunnel you ever saw ever since you were a child, "Nice seeing you again tunnel." you grinned and walked through the tunnel.

Finally reaching the end, you once again were face to face by bright nature, your face developed a wide smile that looked like it would be reaching both of your ears. You started to walk looking around for a tree that had fresh apples. Yes you did sneak out sometimes just to see this when you were little, but the good thing here was you were familiar with it now. "Apples , apples, apples.." you mumbled while you squint your eyes looking around, luckily you did spot one "There!" you ran to the filled with fresh apples above, you started to hug the tree then use your arm strength, you always climbed trees when you had the chance to, so this one was easy enough for you to reach a few apples.  Reaching the branch of the tree you immediately sat on it, It didn't seem to be breaking so it was safe to take your time and grab a few of the apples. You started to grab the apples one by one but realized that you forgot to bring a basket with you, "Wait NOOOO! I forgot to bring a basket!" you whined while your arm both carry a full of apples, "It would be such a waste if I left some of you." you sighed but suddenly heard a dog bark just under you, you looked down to see the dog's fur colored white with black spots on the fur. Your fear immediately spiked up and you hugged the apples tightly.

You tried not to scream as the dog barked with its tail wagging fast, "Shoo! Shoo!" you tried to shoo away the dog with your other hand waving it away, the dog still didn't go away so you aggressively waved your hand again in a gesture to shoo away, but you waved with your whole arm aggressively and started to lose your balance while sitting on the branch, you dropped the apples while you tried to keep your balance in control again but failed. Your body falls to the ground landing on the side of your arm, you felt a huge pain on the impact of your fall, it felt like you broke your arm from that fall, the tree was tall after all but you hoped that you didn't actually break your arm. "Miss are you alright?!" A man shouted as you heard footsteps approach closer, you groaned from the pain making you want to cry but you chose to held it in, "I-I don't think so.." you chuckled, A man appeared standing at the side with a worried look on his face, "Oh dear.. Did you fall? Are you injured?" The man asked, "I think I broke my arm.." you tried to move but the sharp pain came back on your arm making you grit your teeth and hiss in pain, "Let me help you! May I carry you please?" The man asked, you couldn't do anything at this point, you had no choice but to agree letting a stranger help you. You weren't trusting this man but the pain in your arm just forces you to go with him.

The man carried you with ease, "Danny don't scare people at high places!" that was the only sentence you heard before you passed out. You awoke from a comfy bed under you, you felt your arm wrapped around by something hard, you looked at the arm that you knew you broke seeing it was wrapped with a cast, you sighed of relief that you weren't kidnapped. You looked around the room to see it was full of such luxurious looking objects, from the floor to the walls then to the paintings, even the bed looked so fancy. You never ever saw something beautiful and unique, "Wow.." you slowly examined the room with a surprised look, the door suddenly clicked and opened slowly, behind revealed a big muscular man with blue hair with a chiseled face, he looked intimidating, "I see you're awake!" He walked over to you and pulled the chair nearby the bed and sat on it, "My name's Jonathan Joestar, It's a pleasure to be in your assistance." you were taken aback, you thought this man would sound like a punk but he sounded like a gentleman, "It's nice to meet you.. My name's Y/N L/N.." "I am very sorry about Danny! He's a good dog I promise you." you wondered who was Danny and found out about it was the dog from earlier, "It's fine, I just happen to lost my balance." you giggled.

After meeting a man named Jonathan Joestar you both got to know each other little by little, you got to know about his family, his interest, and knew about his career of being a competent boxer, in return you did tell some of your life, you told him how you lived your life, and about your family too. Jonathan felt pithiness when you talked about your family and how you were treated in the streets of where you lived. You both became friends ever since that day and always had plans on meeting up with each other, this was the first time you could ever had a friend in your whole life, knowing Jonathan was like a blessing to you and that goes the same to him, you both enjoyed each other's presence. You never knew that having a friend could be so much fun, you both always had a walk while talking about whatever you both could come up with, tell some funny jokes, and thought about learning how to become a boxer like Jonathan. Your mother grew concerned everytime you had to go out, you didn't go out this often than before so she asked why were you going outside so often? You weren't sure if you were going to introduce Jonathan to your mother, afraid that she might panic that you've been talking to a man this whole time.

"Hey Jonathan.." Jonathan looked at you, both of you sat at a green grass hill, "Should I tell my mother I've been going out so often just to talk with you?" you chuckled and turned your head to gaze at the bright blue sky afar, "I don't mind you introducing me to your mother." Jonathan grinned, you both agreed on letting Jonathan meet your mother. When you both were on your way to your residence suddenly a man shouted "Looks like she became a slut!!" you were embarrassed and angry after hearing someone shout those words, Jonathan frowned and tried to look for whoever shouted, "It's okay Jonathan, just forget about it.." you dragged his arm with force "No! I can't let that person shout such rude words at you!" you ignored him and continued to drag him to your home. Dragging Jonathan to your hometown was the biggest mistake you should have realized.

After the day of Jonathan meeting your mother rumors had spread that a man had died from murder, you found out about the man that had been murdered was the man who insulted you from yesterday,  you considered it as karma for the man, though you felt pity too. Though Jonathan had started to act strange, he started to come at your house every morning saying that both of you can go on a walk, you told him you didn't need to be picked up and you can walk, Jonathan hesitated but you shrugged it off, you still received insults of being a slut for a wealthy man which was Jonathan, but the creepy part was that anyone who insulted you ends up dying the next day, it became a streak for a damn week. It scared you from head to your damn toe, a serial killer was on the loose, yet you're here walking with Jonathan as if that murderer doesn't exist. You tried telling Jonathan that both of you should stop going out until the murderer was caught. You shouldn't have told him that,  he offered you to live at his mansion to keep you safe for a while, you thought about rejecting the offer but you couldn't stand rejecting him at that point, Jonathan was your only friend so you couldn't reject his offer.

After a day of sleeping in Jonathan's place you forgotten to tell your mother that you were going to Jonathan's place, you were about to get up and leave but surprised with the door opening revealing Jonathan, he told you that you didn't need to worry and he told that your mother gave him the permission of having you for a while, you felt a big relief come out of you, but that 'while' felt like it lasted forever, once you tried cooking eggs in the kitchen for something to eat but Jonathan pushed his way in and instead cooked the eggs for you, you tried helping out with chores of hanging the clothes outside but Jonathan pushed you away again and did the job. You wanted to be useful in this household but Jonathan didn't let you do a single thing at all, he fed you, made your bed, did the laundry, you felt like being treated like a baby. Then Jonathan started to cover the windows with wooden boards, you asked why and he answered so that the murderer can't enter. It made sense though, you didn't want the murderer to come for you or Jonathan so you let Jonathan do his thing. 

It only had been a few days you wondered if your mother's searching for you, Jonathan told you that you shouldn't be going out of the house no matter what because of the murderer on the loose, so you agreed. After even those few days boredom filled you, everyday Jonathan would talk to you and mostly ask about the boys who used to insult you, you knew their names one by one and Jonathan encouraged you to scream out your anger at each boy's name, so you did do it. Every night he would go out and he would always tell you he had to deal with some of his boxing career, though this night you wanted to try and go outside to go to your mother, you missed your dearly mother these days so you thought of visiting her, maybe she missed you too? You tried peeking out the window, thankfully the boards didn't cover up the whole window it left behind some spaces to peek through, you peeked out seeing it was dusk, the road was empty and the only thing you could see clearly was the group of trees. You saw something rustling in the bushes though, you squinted your eyes to look closer and Jonathan came out behind a tree, he had something on his face that you couldn't identify, he picked up an axe at the ground and picked up something that looked heavy? He dragged the heavy thing deeper through the woods, though before you could turn your head away you saw a foot. A bare foot that looked like it had a splash of blood over it.

"Was that.. blood?" you shook your head, "No maybe I- I was hallucinating.." You tried not to think about what you witnessed, but did you know curiosity can sometimes kill you? You decided to go outside without letting Jonathan know, you knew Jonathan was in the woods so you hid behind a nearby bush after he comes out of there, you sat and hid and waited, after a few minutes Jonathan came back without the unidentifiable thing on his face, he started to walk over to his mansion and enter, that's was your cue. You secretly crawled into the woods hoping that you would find what he dragged, you searched and searched and searched, it was almost dark you could barely see anything, you kept searching with your hand and felt something, you examined it slowly and felt like it had slim fingers, you guessed that you were touching something like a hand, "What the hell?!" you hissed under your breath, you quickly back your whole body and tried to look at what you just had touched. That's when you found out you just touched a fucking body. Your breath hitched as soon as you realized, you could see its blood as dark as crimson flowing, you couldn't breathe, your legs started to tremble. Your legs soon started to act on its own and so did your whole body system, you ran away.

You ran and ran and ran, running in the middle of the cold night, you realized now you damn lived with a fucking murderer, you reached the tunnel and continued sprinting your way in, your lungs felt like it was burning alive, you could see multiple of posters of missing people, those missing people.. were the people you mentioned to Jonathan. Your eyes started to shed tears, you continued to sprint till you could come home back to your mother and tell her to get out of here as soon as possible. The cold wind flows through your skin as you ran, goosebumps rised as soon as the cold hits you, you finally reached your home and slammed the door wide open, "Mother we need to get out of here as soon as possible!" Your mother and father who sat there surprised, they were holding a ton of money that looked like a hundred thousand, there were more money stacked on the table too. "W-Where the hell did you guys get that money?!" your mother quickly stood up, "I-I'm sorry honey.." she said as she pushed you away gently, you were confused. Why was she apologizing? "Get out of here brat!" Your father spoke as with a drunk tone, "Huh?! What do you mean get out?!!" you stood there with a frowned face filled with so much questions to ask, "Can't you see we already sold you?! Now get out!" Your father shouted at you, your heart sank when you heard those words, "Wait wait- What do you mean sold?!!" your tears falling as you questioned them with frustration filling your head, "That Jonathan man bought you understand now?!" your father spoke as your mother still looked down with the feeling of guilt, "You guys sold me?!!" You felt so betrayed while you stood there heartbroken, why would your own parents sold you?! "I-I'm really sorry honey.. We needed the money.." your mouth stayed open, speechless. Your father slammed the door shut, you didn't know what to do.

You suddenly felt a heavy hand on your shoulder, you turned around to see Jonathan with a worried look, seeing you shiver on the spot. You knew he was the murderer though being this close to the murderer felt like you just wanted to die right on spot, "Y/N what are you doing here?! Did someone hurt you? Did you get injured?!" Jonathan said quickly and examined your arms, neck, legs, before you could push Jonathan away he suddenly plants a handkerchief on your nose making you unable to scream for help due to how the handkerchief covered your mouth too, "Let's get home now, it isn't safe here!" your eyes slowly dazed shut, the only last thing you saw was Jonathan, and you awoke now to being locked in his mansion, forever staying in Jonathan's grasp.

He wanted to keep his darling safe after all.

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