chapter 29: pets

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in the next few days, jian qing would take time to accompany cheng wen to the hospital every day, the little fool during the day looked normal, obediently stayed in the ward and did not talk much, and began to be abnormal at night, like the situation that night when he got up in the middle of the night to go out to find the baby, almost every day would be staged.

reluctantly, jian qing had to follow the advice of his attending doctor, made an appointment with a well-known psychiatrist, chose a sunny afternoon, and took the little fool to the psychological clinic that was authoritative enough in beijing.

cheng wen lived in the hospital for too long, jian qing suddenly wanted to take him out, he was not very accustomed to it, timidly shrunk in the corner of the bed, how he refused to take off his hospital gown to change clothes, jian qing patiently coaxed for a long time, whether it was to take him out to play, or to take him to eat delicious food, it was useless, and finally told him that in fact, cheng ran wanted to see him, and the little fool whispered to him with red eyes, "... are you sure? seeing that this method was

effective, jian qing naturally admitted that cheng wen was finally willing to change his clothes.

at the moment when he took off his hospital gown, jian qing found that the man he had been holding in his arms all night was actually more emaciated than he imagined, there was no flesh left, and the pale blue blood vessels under the pale skin could be faintly seen, which really made him can't help but twist his eyebrows.

the clothes were bought by the assistant according to cheng wen's previous size, the smallest size, and now it is a bit difficult to hold up, and the sleeve is loose and crumbling on the body, but the dress is always more pleasing to the eye than his worn-out stalls.

on the way there, the little fool's dark eyes finally revealed a long-lost light, although it was not obvious, but it could be seen that he was very happy, sitting next to jian qing from time to time turned his head to look out the window, as if he couldn't wait to see his brother, but he was very nervous, after the car drove out for a long time, he couldn't help but whisper to him, "a qing... ddid ran really say she missed me? "

of course it's true." jian qing smiled back at him.

the little fool had always believed in his aqing, even at this moment.

the psychological clinic is located in the south of the city center, as soon as you enter it, you feel a burst of modern simplicity, the decoration is low-key and luxurious, but the unfamiliar environment only makes cheng wen feel uneasy, he does not understand why ah qing brought him here, not to let him see his brother.

"ah qing..." cheng wen subconsciously grabbed jian qing's hand.

this feeling reminded him of being left alone in that strange villa, the picture of stepping on the empty steps and rolling down the stairs instantly appeared in his mind, and the painful memory of falling to the ground alone made his small face turn white.

sensing the little fool's abnormality, jian qing tightened his hand and lowered his head to drop a soothing kiss on his delicate eyelids, "well, first take you to meet someone, and then let you see cheng ran later." along the

way, jian qing did not let go of his hand, but cheng wen's inner tension did not relax a bit, and soon he was taken into an office and treatment room and met a male doctor in a white coat.

the doctor was tall, wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, still looked handsome in his forties, and a few faint lines in the corners of his eyes when he laughed added a sense of intimacy to his majestic appearance. <

ben is an appointment in advance, cheng wen's basic situation he already knows, jian qing and the doctor after a few simple exchanges, to the little fool around him said, "xiao wen, your recent mental state is not very good, let dr. lin help you do some psychological counseling, i will go outside to wait for you." with

that, he let go of cheng wen's hand, touched his head, turned and walked out.

the fear that had been left behind immediately occupied cheng wen's heart, he panicked and reddened the corners of his eyes, subconsciously catching up, but he immediately remembered that he would be angry if he did not obey jian qing, and forced himself to stop, hoarsely calling, "a qing..."

"huh?" jian qing subconsciously turned back.

"are you... don't want me..." cheng wen asked him in a trembling voice.

jian qing frowned slightly, not understanding what was wrong with him, before he could speak, he saw bean-sized teardrops falling from the little fool's eyes, he quickly lowered his head to wipe it clean, and said dumbly with his lips, "i... i can cook... will do laundry... yes... would clean the house very clean... i will be obedient..."

"i... i will also... will also..." the little fool suddenly found that his use seemed to be just a few, he didn't know the words, he hadn't read any book, he would do something, in fact, he could do a good job by asking an aunt to come back outside, and there was no reason why he had to.

so, even if he wants to abandon himself, it is only right, he does not have any capital to keep him.

this realization broke the little fool, and he was speechless and sobbed in pain.

jian qing quickly went up and wrapped the person in his arms, clapped his back with a big hand and coaxed, "i know, i know, i don't want you, i don't cry, i don't cry." the little fool's

mood had been unstable during this time, and he only felt worried.

the scene in front of him was already strange to dr. lin, and after exchanging a look with jian qing, he sat down behind his desk and waited patiently.

after a few minutes, cheng wen's mood gradually stabilized, and jian qing pushed him away slightly, trying to communicate with him, "xiao wen, you are sick, you must see a doctor, i promised you, just wait for you outside, do not leave a step, okay?" "

"...... are you sure? the little fool's red, swollen eyes were still full of uneasiness, after all, the person he loved deeply had never given him a sense of security.

"really, when did i ever lie to you?" jian qing coaxed softly. "if you obediently listen to the doctor and keep yourself healthy, i will like you."

for him, cheng wen may be a pet dog he raised, although he does not care so much, but after a long time, it is inevitable that he will have feelings, and when he is sick, he will take him to the hospital for treatment, and if he is cured, he will continue to put it around, anyway, it is very good to raise, and it does not take too much energy and time.

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