chapter 114: massive bleeding

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"treasure... baby? "the wife is nervous and helpless, and although the person lying on the ground is beautiful and lovely, he is a man no matter how he looks.

her husband seemed much calmer, took out his mobile phone and called 120 at the first time, and then asked his wife to help him help himself to help cheng wen to the bench next to him.

the wife calmed down a lot at this time, sat next to cheng wen and hugged him, took out a paper towel from the delicate bag to help him wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and whispered comfortingly, "you can rest assured, the ambulance will come soon." "what

about your family?" where your family is, i'll help you inform them.

the contractions were accompanied by the pain of the fall, as if to tear his whole person from the inside, and immediately more beads of sweat came out of the place where he had just been wiped, cheng wen was already in pain and had no strength to speak, his ears were buzzing, even the world around him had become illusory, and the warm liquid that was flowing out under him did not know whether it was blood or something else, and he doubted that he might not be able to hold on.

it turns out that giving birth to a baby is so uncomfortable.

he tried very hard to think about the other party's problems with his rusty brain, and he remembered the people closest to him, and his already dark eyes surged with a layer of gray despair.

"i... i don't have a family anymore..." he said.

the wife was shocked, "how come... what about the child's father?

cheng wen furrowed his brows in pain, occasionally emitting a suppressed muffled hum in his throat, and he didn't dare to use too much force with his hands on his stomach, for fear of hurting the baby, and his drooping eyelids covered his red eyes, "the child's father... leave... lleft us.

he didn't want to make himself too ugly, and although the other party was a kind person who helped him, it hurt to open his wounds over and over again.

some things you know for yourself.

in fact, the child's father never loved him, and the words and promises he said were all lies to him.

only he was stupid and willing to believe.

the husband and wife thought that the father of the child was dead, afraid of poking at his sore spot, so they did not continue the topic, but have been patiently comforting him and giving him courage.

but cheng wen still felt that his body was getting more and more tired, and his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and by the time he was carried on a stretcher by the medical staff who rushed to him, it was already difficult to even raise his eyelids.

he had no relatives and guardians, the couple was ready to follow them to the hospital, who knew that just out of the gate of the mall, a large wave of young girls rushed towards them with great momentum, and the one led by the female fan who had just insulted cheng wen in public in the mother and baby shop was the one who recognized the person lying on the stretcher with sharp eyes and immediately shouted at him.

"that's him! he just robbed our ran fiancé and was pregnant with a child! ffans

are crazy, can because of a summons to rush to the collection is undoubtedly in the star chasing this matter of no principle bottom line of people, love beans is their day, love beans is their land, have to love beans to live well, even if they live for ten years, it doesn't matter, love beans if they are wronged, they desperately have to get back.

vulgar insults rose and fell, the scene was chaotic, they even disregarded the patient's life in danger, stopped in front of the medical staff, pushed and shoved them to get into the ambulance, and had to get up to give everyone an explanation.

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