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Louis's POV:

I look at him in shock at his explanation and scoot as far away from him on the couch as possible.

"Please don't be scared of me." He says, looking at me sadly.

"B-but you hurt people," I say, honestly terrified of him at the moment.

"I only hurt people who need to be hurt. And I would never ever lay a hand on you." He tells me, and I can tell he means it but I can't help but still be scared.

Mafia? Anything I know about the mafia is just things I have seen in shows and movies, and all I have seen is how they kill and torcher people.

"Y-you killed C-Chris?" I ask scared.

He shakes his head.

"No, I only hurt him a bit. But he was someone who deserved it, love." Harry says, his voice is soft.

"Why would you want to hurt people?" I ask puzzled.

Harry seems so sweet, so gentle. And he is those things with me but how could he possibly be sweet and gentle and kill people? It's not possible.

"It's my job baby. I don't want to hurt innocent people, so I'd don't. But I really don't want to scare you, I can't live with myself scaring you like this." He says, sounding more than hurt.

And that gets to me.

I slowly move back closer to him the slightest, but keep a bit of distance. He seems to soften.

"I-I'm not scared of you. I'm s-scared of what you d-do." I try to reason with him.

"I know you are, and I'm sorry. I was going to just wait until you trusted me more and got to see that I will never be that person with you." He explains to me.

"Why not with me?" I ask.

How can I trust the fact that he wouldn't hurt me if he kills people for a living?

"Because you are just different. I don't know how or why, but there isn't a single part of me that isn't drawn to protecting you. You are perfect and I will never harm you, I promise." He explains.

I'm not perfect.

"There is nothing special about me. And you are going to notice that and then what if you want to hurt me." I say, scared at the possibility.

"That would never happen." He says, %100 percent confident in his words.

I just slowly nod and try to let everything sink in. I like Harry, a lot, and I don't want to be scared but I am. I'm not exactly afraid he will hurt me but I am overwhelmed.

It stays silent between us for nearly five minutes as I just think but he eventually breaks the tension.

"Please say something." He begs,

"I-I just need some time to think," I say honestly.

He looks at me with a mix of emotions.

"I understand. You want me to take you home? I don't want you to leave but I also don't want your brothers to kill me." He says, lightening up a bit at the end.

"You don't mind? I can call the boys or a cab-." I start but he immediately is shaking his head.

"Not a chance. I am going to take you, I want to take you myself. Is that okay? Just me, not Will?" He asks.

He is clearly asking because he knows I am a little overwhelmed right now and something about that just makes me feel more comfortable on the spot.

"That's fine Harry," I say and he visibly relaxes.

He nods before putting out a hand for me to help me off the couch. I am slow to expect it but eventually, I do.

He leads me off of the couch and out of the room before we take the elevator down to the building's garage, where he opens the door for me to a gorgeous slick black car.

I don't miss the countless glances he spares to me on our walk down, it's as if he is checking on me.

The drive is silent. I think he can tell I am just thinking about everything and he is choosing not to push it which I am glad about.

I'm just confused, more than confused. Not just about Harry's carer but also just how I feel about Harry. I haven't ever really liked anyone the way I have liked Harry in the past.

So I'm overwhelmed with what I am supposed to feel for Harry and what I am supposed to do about all of this.

"A-am I allowed to tell my brothers?" I ask him hesitantly.

I mean, this clearly isn't public information. I know nothing about the mafia but I assume it's a rather secretive thing. But I can't lie to my brothers, it's a rule.

"Of course you can. I know you guys are close, I would never ask you to keep something from them. Just maybe try and keep it within your family? It's just to keep you safe." He tells me, looking at me as we pull up to a red light.

"Keep me safe?" I ask, not exactly liking what he is implying.

Why would I not be safe?

"It's just a dangerous game, and if you give me a chance, I promise you will not have to be a part of anything that can put you in danger. But just for right now it's extra safe if not too many people know about your connection to me." Harry says comfortingly.

I nod my head as he focuses his eyes back on the road.

"Does that mean you are in danger?" I ask, now worried about his well-being.

He smiles a bit as he continues to drive down the busy road light by street lights.

"You don't need to worry about me m'amore. I can definitely hold my own out there." Harry says with a slight smirk on his lips.

I feel chills being sent through my body at his name for me.

"But I don't want you to get hurt." I object.

He smiles again before very slowly grabbing my hand, watching my reaction as he does so to make sure I am comfortable.

"I won't be getting hurt physically anytime soon, but I appreciate your worry darling." He says, his voice laced with endearment.

I want to question him further because it's practically impossible for him to promise that but I just nod and let it slide as I let my eyes fall back onto the street, while our hands stayed clasped together.

I probably should take my hand away, especially because I am not exactly pleased with him at the moment but I can't bring myself to escape the touch.

It's not long before we pull up in front of my house and I am forced to take my hand back.

We walk up the stairs of the outdoor walkway and I reach my hand out to open the door when he stops me with a 'wait'.

"I know you need time to think but please promise me that you won't give up on me Louis. Let me prove to you that I am more than just a title." Harry practically begs, engulfing my hands in his.

I press my lips together as I do my best to think of a response but none seems to come to mind so I leave him with a nod before opening the door and stepping in, his hands still grasping mine.

"Goodnight Harry," I whisper, slowly pulling my hands out from his.

He sighs sadly at me.

"Good night princess."

Hello darlings!
I'm sorry this is a tiny bit late.
Hope you like it.

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