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Louis's POV:

I wake up with the strong smell of Harry engulfing me, in fact, it is nearly so strong that for a moment I think that he is in the bed with me. I smile slightly at the idea of that.

But by the time I open my eyes I realize I am wrapped in Harry's suit jacket, I must have pulled it up in my sleep as I have for the past few nights.

Thankfully it's a Saturday so I don't have to worry about getting to school.

I slip out of bed and tiredly walk down the stairs, bringing myself to the kitchen. Where Eddie is sitting reading a newspaper and sipping on what looks like coffee.

Liam works most Saturday mornings so I am not surprised to see he's not here.

"Morning buddy," He says, looking up once he sees me.

"Morning. I fell asleep last night during the movie?" I question.

He nods.

"Yeah, exhausted yourself with fear from that movie." He laughs a bit.

"Don't remind me. Speaking of, was it bad with Harry and Liam once I fell asleep?" I question, worried about Liam scaring Harry off.

Edward smiles a bit at me, making me rather nervous.

"Oh god, what happened?" I ask, immediately envisioning the worst.

Liam would never hurt me but part of me doesn't doubt he would hurt Harry.

Edward laughs a bit.

"No no nothing bad, but I think you will be happy to know that Harry got Liam's permission," Edward says to me, causing me to look at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"Yup, I don't know what happened but they seemed to both be in a pretty good mood after they apparently had a little chat. H even stayed for the footie game after you went to bed." Eddie tells me with a smile.

How can that even be possible, Liam was threatening the man's life yesterday morning and now he is just giving us the go-ahead. What in the world.

"Are you messing with me?" I ask, my voice unhappy at the idea of that.

"No I wouldn't do that to you, I swear. Harry had the biggest smile on his face for the entire game, even when our team got crushed." Edward tells me and with that, I am smiling again.

I am honestly in a state of shock, I don't know what Harry did to convince him but I am beyond happy about whatever he actually did do.

I am about to hug him in happiness when his phone rings, cutting me off.

He sends me an apologetic look before checking the caller's idea.

"Sorry kiddo, it's the office I gotta take it." He says looking at me sadly.

I just nod as he gets up to take the phone call, sounding all professional as he speaks. I just smile to myself at the information Eddie had given me. I had Liam's permission to be with Harry.

Once Edward spends nearly ten minutes on the phone, I pull my own out, looking to occupy myself a bit and I smile when I see a text and Harry's name.

Harry: Good morning blue eyes. I'll see you in a couple of hours.

I smile in slight confusion, see me in a few hours? This was the first I was heard of seeing him but his confident command gives me butterflies.

For some reason I liked it.

"Sorry about that," Edward says coming back into the room, making me jump and drop my phone.

He looks at me confused and slightly worried.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Mhm," I nod.

He just looks at me with a smile and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry kiddo I need to get to the office, shits gone to hell with the case I'm running. I should only be gone for an hour or two. You think you are going to be okay alone for then?" He asks me and I nod.

It was rather rare that the boys let me stay home alone, they were always careful to plan around it but at times like these, they would make an exception. Though there will always be rules that come along with it.

"I'll be okay, I hope everything goes okay with the case." I smile.

"Thank you, sweetheart. It shouldn't take long I promise." He says, gathering his stuff into his briefcase.

I just nod.

He is quick to go upstairs and change into his work suit before rushing back downstairs and grabbing all his things.

"Okay, all the doors stay locked. You don't turn the oven or stove on. Keep your ringer on. Answer our calls. And just be careful please." He says, running over the typical list of rules.

"I will Eddie," I say, jokingly rolling my eyes a bit.

"Okay bud, I'll see you in a bit okay? Call me if you need anything." And with that he is walking out of the back door, locking it behind him.

I laugh at his frantic manner before getting up and pouring myself a bowl of cereal, knowing the stove is off-limits.

The morning is rather boring and lonely without the boys. I shower and get dressed for the day before just settling down and watching some tacky TV show that was on.

But it's not long before I get tired of that too and I just go to scrolling my phone.

But I find myself smiling a bit when I hear the doorbell ring. The boys aren't supposed to be home for a little while so this must be what Harry meant when he said he would see me later.

I pop up off the couch and rush over to the door, opening it with zero hesitation and a big smile.

However, the smile falters when I find a man that is not Harry standing on my front porch. He's tall, not as tall as Harry but still a scary amount taller than I. And the mean scruffy look on his face isn't doing him any favors.

I don't even get the chance to ask how I can help him before I feel him shoving my body to the ground.

My eyes flip open in shock as the man enters the house without hesitation.

"W-who are-?" I start but he just cuts me off.

"Shut up, boss will be mad if I get you to him hurt before he can do it himself. But I don't want to hear that squeaky ass voice or I will do some shit." He says anger sounding.

My mind is too confused to even say anything or fight back as the man grabs me with an absurdly painful grip and throws me over his shoulders.

At that point, I start hitting his back with all my strength but it doesn't seem to affect him in the slightest bit.

What in the world is going on?

"Sir I t-think you have the wrong p-person," I say as he makes me flinch by grabbing me rougher.

"You sure about that Louis William Tomlinson." He mocks, his words terrifying me to my core.

How does he know my name? He isn't one of Harry's men, and part of me is hoping this is just some sick prank someone is playing on me.

But all hope of that being true vanishes as the man practically throws me into the back of his van, slamming my head on the back door, causing me to scream and cry in pain.

"P-please. W-what do you w-want?" I beg, starting to get insanely dizzy.

He doesn't respond, just slams my own door before moving to his, then peeling out of my driveway unbelievably fast.

I try to keep my eyes open but the dizziness from the hit to my head takes over before long and I knock out into a painful darkness.

Thanks for reading.

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