Boosting magic

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You can boost the power of your spells in multiple ways, for example, color candles, eggshells, and moonlight. 

You can boost the spell jars' magic by using the corresponding color for that spell. adding eggshells for any spell can boost the power of that spell, something happens when you charge spells with the moonlight of doing and spell that corresponds to the moon cycle. a little bit of it seen in the image above.

 I recommend looking up what each moon phase means and how it corresponds with spell work. as for candle colors I recommend looking up what color means what.

red means- strength, lust, passion and courage as well as action and charisma.

 white means- peace, spirituality, and purity, as well as can be use in place of other wax colors. 

black means- banishment, negativity, and protection.

brown means- home, protection, animals , and family.

pink means- romantic love,  healing, caring and friendship.

orange means-  business, success, opportunity and celebration.

yellow means- joy, intelligence, memory, and hope.

green means- nature, physical healing, money, growth and abundance.

blue means- communication, traveling, creativity, calm, and forgiveness.

purple means- wisdom, influence, and hidden knowledge.

silver means- psychic dreams and the moon.

gold means- wealth, power, and the sun. 

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