Signs from deities or spirits

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When look for signs from spirits or deities always make sure you see more then once. If a deity is trying to send you a sign they will send it more then once. Weather u see is twice or four time then you can be sure it's a sign but if u only see it once then it could just be a Coincidence, but more then once it's probably a sign.
Also when on the look out for signs look for abnormal behaviour or abnormalities, for example:
Seeing a crow on a dumpster or a pigeon in the city not a sign but seeing a crow out side your bed room window three times in a day or every day for a week then yes that's probably a sign.

Now when asking for a specific sign from a deity or spirit then still make sure to look for abnormalities and for it more then once and yes dreams count.
But also be sure to be specific about what you want that sign to be. For example when I ask Arwan for a sign I ask for something he's connected with like hunting dogs, and I'll be specific on how and where I wanna see them.  Like if I wanna know if something bad will happen I'll ask him to send to hounds fighting for a yes something bad, and I'll ask to see it on tv or social media or in my dreams. Then I'll wait anywhere from a week to three weeks. Sometimes even longer. If I don't see that sign the answer is probably a no. Same goes for a deity reaching out for you.

When asking for a sign make sure your aware and looking out for your sign.

Blessed be!!

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