Chapter 3

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After finishing the hunt, Sam and Carlisle, feeling satisfied, decided to head home. Upon reaching the door, they entered the house and made their way to the waiting room where everyone was gathered. Overwhelmed by the crowd, she instinctively retreated, bumping into Carlisle. He gently placed his hands on her hips, offering comfort to ease her nerves.

"Samantha, meet my family. The blonde you met earlier is my brother, Elliot," he said with a deep, resonant voice. "Hello, it's nice to meet you," Elliot greeted. "Nice to meet you too," Sam replied. "Next is my son, Edward." Sam looked up at the boy, taller than her, with fluffy brown hair that made her giggle at its style. He smiled and laughed with her. "Why are you laughing?" asked Sam. Carlisle chuckled, "I'll explain that soon." Sam nodded, and he continued, "Beside Edward is Rosalie." Rosalie smiled and embraced Sam, who returned the hug warmly. "And next to her is her husband, Emmett." Sam observed the muscular man with dark hair approach and lift her into a tight hug, eliciting a squeal from her. "It's nice to meet you, mom," Emmett said, causing Sam to look questioningly at Carlisle. "I'll explain that later," he assured, laughing. Once released, Sam couldn't help but smile at the goofball. "Then we have Alice and her husband Jasper." Alice, petite with short black hair, rushed over for a hug. "I've been eager to meet you since I first saw you," Alice beamed. Sam felt a wave of warmth and comfort. Her gaze settled on Jasper, tall with chin-length blonde hair and a sculpted face. She felt an urge to embrace him, to assure him all would be well. Facing everyone, she smiled, "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sammy or Sam, whichever you prefer." Jasper inquired, "Can we call you mom?" The others looked at her expectantly. "I'm still puzzled by what you mean, but if you wish to call me mom, I don't mind. Whatever makes you happy."

"How about we sit on the couch so I can explain everything?" She nodded and quickly walked to the couch, sitting down before looking at everyone who laughed and then sat down. "Well, Sam," Carlisle began as he sat next to her, "to tell you the truth, we are vampires. I was born in the 1640s, and along with my brother, we were turned in 1663. I have been 23 for 365 years, and Elliot has been 28 for the same number of years." I looked at him, shocked. "Wow, you're old," I said, and everyone, including me, laughed. "Yes, I know I am. I turned almost everyone here except for Alice and Jasper. Alice had a vision of us and joined us, but the rest were close to death, so I gave them another life." I nodded, smiling. "Then you all must be old," I said, giggling, and they all laughed and nodded. "Alright, I do have two questions," I said. Carlisle nodded, "Go ahead." "First, why did Edward laugh when he was introduced?" I asked. They all laughed before Carlisle explained, "When someone is transformed into this life, they sometimes carry over characteristics that were strongest in their human life. Edward can read minds, Jasper is an empath who can feel and manipulate emotions, Alice can see the future, and Elliot has molecular acceleration." "So, he can kinetically excite the molecules inside an object and make them explode?" I asked in astonishment. Carlisle smiled at his mate, "Yes, that's correct," he confirmed. "And what about everyone else?" I inquired. "The rest of us don't really have powers but strong characteristics. For example, I have immense compassion, which helps with bloodlust and doesn't tempt me, Rosalie has enhanced beauty, and Emmett has super strength." I nodded, looking at everyone. "Do I have powers? I mean, I did have powers when I was human," I questioned. They looked at me, shocked, except for Esme, who just smiled because she already knew.

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