Chapter Three - The Successful Leave but a New Enemy

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Author's Note: By the way, guys, I have this story planned in my head.


Essence looks towards me and smiles. I giggle and return the smile. Devlyn stares straight, "Girls, concentrate on our journey an not on a giggling party." Devlyn says with a bit of frustration bubbling through his speech. The left corner of my smile frowns. We begin to walk again.

We sooner pass the valley. "Constance... Are you sure your nose works correctly..?" Essence asks frowning. "I was pawsitive it was beyond this valley..." I frown as my eyes wonder to the ground. "It's okay.." Essence says while walking over to pat my back to cheer me up. "Maybe it's a little further," I say while I stare to the sky with my chin up, "It's getting late, though. So we need to hurry." I say as I look back to Dev and Essence and sprint forward.

"Wait up, Caddy!" Both Essence an Devlyn yell, "If you lose sight of me just run straight, don't turn any other way just go straight!" I yell back to them. Essence looks towards Devlyn and nods as Devlyn trembles slightly as they start to run side-by-side with Devlyn falling behind a little.

I stop to pant and catch my breath. I look back and sense Essence and Devlyn coming and smile and draw in the dirt.

Essence runs slowly up to me and faintly smiles and sloppily topples onto the ground, giggling.

Devlyn sprints after her about eight minutes later and wipes off his forehead. "Devlyn, I said to hurry! Not have a tea party while running!" I shout at him. "I'm sorry.. I ran out of breath and stopped for a minute and started running again.." He hesitates slightly while talking.

I stare at him, "I'm sorry for bursting.." He looks at me and nods and helps up Essence then helps me up. "Let's go!" Essence yells and startles us out of nowhere and we start walking straight towards our goal.

* * * * * * *

I look up to the purple, gold, white, and black detailed palace. Wow what a beautiful building. I look back to Essence and Dev, "Let's get our game on." I say while raising my fist rebel-like in the air

Essence smirks and pulls out her glass baton and twirls it around.

Devlyn hesitates and realizes what's taking place and trembles as he pulls out a chain and hangs it over his shoulder and smiles sweetly.

I wait my turn and flick my wrists criss-cross and press the buttons on my metallic wristbands and four long, sharp and silver claws fling out of each one of my knuckles.

I grin and look back to Essence and Devlyn and nod. I knock on the door and hold my hands firmly behind my back. Both Devlyn and Essence hide their weapons and watch the door, trying to look as innocent as they can.

The door opens, "Excuse me but who are all you?" A man asks with a snotty attitude. "We're from planet Earth." I say with a sweet smile growing from ear to ear. "Oh... I see. You're humans, huh?" He grows bored as he asks. "Indeed, we're humans." I answer. "What is it you need from us, human?" He asks. "We would like to go home to bring some furriends." I slurred. "Go home," He starts to chuckle, "Ask my master not me."

I look down to the smooth and slippery marble steps under my feet and look back up, "May we talk with your master, Sir?" I ask. He nods and beckons us inside and brings us upstairs, "Would you all like to rest first?" He asks. I look to Devlyn who's nodding then to Essence who's also nodding. I think to myself, "Should we really stay? Who knows whether their going to attempt anything or not." "Attempt what?" A man asks me through my head. "We're not going to rest." I say with a straight face.

"Whaaaaaaaat," Essence shouts, "We walked all the way here!" I butt in, "Exactly, we 'walked' all the way here." Essence clams down, "Oh true.. We will continue on and meet with your master." She nods and says. I smile and we follow the man again to his master.

"Master, you have quests here for you." The man knocks on a door. "Bring them in, Kit." The master ordered. Kit cracks open the door, "Go on." He hurried us in and shut the door behind us.

I look around in the pitch dark room and cough into my wrist to draw the attention of Devlyn and Essence, "Excuse me, Sir," I begin, "We would like to ask you of something." I let my eyes wander the darkness and find his yellow glowing eyes glaring me in the eye. "What is it, human child?" He asks while fiddling with his plastic cane. "We would like to return to Earth and bring some people. May we do as such, Sir?" I hesitate with a slight fright trembling within me. "Yes, of course, why wouldn't I let you go?" He asks with a grin that crosses his face, the insanity within the grin showing and bursting.

"Just get us out, I don't need to fight without it meaning anything useful." I say with the trembling fear disappearing. "I will let you leave," His grin fading into a frown, "When sounds good?" He asks. "Now, purrlease." I say slurring because of the cat puns that slip out. "Very well." He answers and flicks his fingers in out direction and we disappear.


Author's Note:

I feel like this chapter didn't go all that well, ha. Enjoy and thanks for reading. ^^;

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