Chapter 12: Wilbur?!?!

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(Tommy POV)

I woke up, sweating and uncomfortable. My stomach was churning, and I felt like my stomach was trying to come out of my mouth. Taking in short, quick breathes, I glanced up at the clock: 3.45am. "I need a breather," I mumbled to myself, stumbling out of the room and closing the door quietly. I walked out to the beach and sat down on the sand. The light breeze swept through my blonde hair, making the palm trees sway. The ocean came in and drew back, making a splashing sound. Boy, it was calming. My stomach still churned, but I felt much better.

"Tommy," someone said behind me. I jumped up, broken out of my calm stage and turned around. "W-Wilbur?!?!" I gasped, absolutely bewildered. Standing right in front of me, was my brother. Instead of the happy and smiling Wilbur, he looked grim and regretful. He raised a sword, the blade gleaming in the moonlight. I gasped again, jumping back and running. A weapon. I just needed a weapon. Why was I so foolish to not bring a sword with me? "Tommy, I don't want to do this, but you have to come with me. You do know you have no weapons, and I'm much better at PvP than you. Please, don't put up a fight," Wilbur called, his trench coat waving slightly in the wind. I couldn't help but think something was about to go terribly wrong. I grabbed a stick and a tin can from the sand, stumbling away from Wilbur. "Get away from me, you bitch!" I yelled, hoping the others would hear. Wilbur sighed and ran at me, sword raised. I threw the can at him, but it bounced harmlessly off his blade. I dodged his first hit, then doubled over, the pain in my stomach too much for me to handle. The pain in my stomach was too much for me to handle after I dodged his first hit. I fell to the ground, dropping the stick. I felt Wilbur turn me around, picking me up and placing me in a chokehold. "Give up," he asked quietly. I choked and looked around frantically. "SOMEONE, HELP ME, PLEASE!" I yelled at the top of my voice. Wilbur's hand clamped around my mouth, muffling my yells. I glanced around, seeing Queenie at the other side of the beach. Her blue hair waved in the wind, but she had an evil smirk on her face. As she walked towards us, her blue hair and golden eyes faded to become purple hair and brown eyes. "Minx," Wilbur acknowledged. Minx hummed and said,"Here's the thingy." She passed Will a corked bottle. "Don't smell it, it's really strong."

"W-where's Queenie? Who are you?" I gasped out. Minx smirked. "They still believe I'm Queenie huh? I kidnapped Queenie a long time ago the morning you found the letter. Name's Minx, let's go meet boss, Will," Minx replied, laughing a little. Will nodded, uncorking the bottle and pouring some on the cloth. I watched nervously. What the hell was he gonna do?! He pressed the cloth onto my nose and mouth, restricting my airways. I spluttered, taking in a wisp of a sweet, dazing smell. "Go on, fall asleep, I'll see you later, Toms," Wilbur urged. I obeyed, having no choice. Before I blacked out, I heard Will say into a walkie talkie, "We got him, Dream."

Words: 568

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm trying to get as many as I can out as soon as possible cause I have an upcoming collab with a fellow writer! 

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