Chapter Five

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Sebastian was sitting at the office table for their weekly meeting. Papers were scattered around all of them with their budgets, new pack additions, mating ceremonies and so forth. Amber sat across from him, her brother George next to her as well as his fathers Beta and his dad being at the head of the table. The other two were his dads pack warriors to discuss training once the time comes.

Amber was who saw over the pups. She took charge of the mating ceremonies, how many pups were delivered in each pack as well as budgeting all costs to make sure each pack had what they needed to fully support new additions. Not only that but to aid for the new mothers as well. They were currently going over Ambers predictions for this upcoming week and who was in due for labor in all packs which wasn't a whole lot this last week which they were all thankful for.

"I think we deserve a break, we've been doing this all morning." Jeffery, Sebastian's fathers Beta spoke as he leaned back in his seat. His father just nodded doing the same as he let out a sigh.

"You did great last week Sebastian." His father spoke then, his eyes going to meet his sons confused ones.

"What are you talking about?"

"The outing." He mentioned like it was obvious. His father leaned forward to open his laptop then, he mirrored his screen to the TV's to show the article that was roaming about. It had a clear photos of the two. One taken as they held hands at the table, another of Kaylen kissing the alphas cheek and the last one of their encounter outside as they held one another as they kissed.

His eyes quickly went from the TV's to Amber and a pang of guilt hit his chest. Ambers tan color was drained pale. She was staring in-front of her at the screen at the new photos of her now ex-lover intimate with his fiancé. Sebastian wanted to scream at his father for showing this to them, in-front of her no less. He wanted to reach out to her and explain the situation but he knew he couldn't even if he wanted too. Instead he shifted his gaze away, feeling the way George's gaze was burning a hole to the side of his face.

"However, there was one that you looked completely surprised in. I had it discarded but I'm sure a few still have their hands on it so some might start asking questions. Next time don't make that mistake, you are to be married to him." His father scolded but not to firm, he knew his son didn't ask for this.

Sebastian just took a sharp inhale of breathe with a simple nod. The room grew awkward and tense with the way George was staring at the alpha across from his sister so intensely it made the alpha want to bounce his leg. Amber went silent and her eyes looked anywhere but Sebastian as his did the same. It wasn't until the beta cleared his throat to catch the younger ones attention that he claimed they should get back to it.

It was late now, they had been going over everything since six that morning in which Kaylen was already out of bed and long gone much to Sebastian's surprise. Every time the alpha had awaken it was always alone. He stayed up at night reading until the younger boy would show and in return would place his book down once the were-cat was under the covers. He wasn't sure when he had started to wait for his fiancé to return to the chambers before he slept but the other never said anything about it to him, therefor he continued to do it.

Amber left wordlessly and hardly said anything the rest of the meeting and George followed after her, giving Sebastian a look of disdain as he made his way out. The beta of his father simply clasped his shoulder with a nod as he followed after his children. Sebastian let out a sigh as he looked at his father who offered him a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry this is causing your friends to drift away." His father spoke softly.

"Amber wasn't just a friend." Sebastian grumbled out, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck in thought.

"I know. She would have made a great Luna." Sebastian hummed in agreement, feeling more exhausted than he had before. He bided his father a goodbye as he retired to his chambers. He showered quickly, only throwing on a pair of boxers before climbing into the silk sheets. He rested his back against the headboard as he picked up the book from his bedside table.

Sebastian's eyes blinked slowly at the feeling of his book being taken out of his hands. He grumbled quietly at the feeling of being woken, his eyes adjusting the bedside lamp before noticing golden eyes looking over at him briefly.

The lampshades light gave a clear view of the side of his fiancés face. His blonde hair was slightly falling into his eyes as he placed the book down to the side. He watched Kaylen stand tall, his eyes trailing over the smooth pale skin and slight muscle tone to the very lean boy and his girlish hourglass shape down to his hips. He was only wearing gold briefs that hugged him smugly and a few golden bracelets that cling to his wrists. Kaylen reaching to shut off the lamp caused the alpha to reach out and grab his arm to stop the Were-cat, his eyes hooded from the lack of sleep.

"What are you doing?" He asked groggily, his voice a deeper baritone then before.

Kaylen lifted a brow at his statement looking between his fiancé and the lamp. "I am turning off the lamp. You fell asleep while reading." He stated simply, leaning over the alpha to look at him. Sebastian still had his back against the headboard as he blinked at the other slowly.

"I'm sorry I meant to wait for you." He was still fighting against his sleep as he reached up with his free hand to rub at his eyes confused as to why he was admitting that.

"You don't have too, Sebastian." Kaylen spoke, his head tilting as he studied the other, testing him almost.

"I know." The older breathed, leaning his head back to rest on the board. It hurt his neck less than forcing himself to look up.

"So why do it?" Kaylen raised a brow as he shifted his weight onto one hip.

"I don't know." He admitted, letting go of Kaylen to rest his hand back onto the bed with a soft sigh.

"You do not have to wait for me then." Kaylen swiftly turned off the lamp and went to his side of the bed, lifting the sheets to move underneath them. Immediately Sebastian was hit with his warmth even from a few feet away, subconsciously moving himself down and shifting closer to the heat of Kaylen.

The cats eyes turned to slits as he peered over his shoulder, his nails extended ever so slightly feeling the wolf shift closer to himself. "What are you doing Sebastian?" He questioned calmly, unsure of his actions.

"You're warm." He mumbled out. He wasn't touching the cat in fear of him lashing out at him and it wasn't that he necessarily wanted too but he missed the feeling of being wrapped up with someone. He hadn't slept alone the past two years and hadn't cuddled since his split with Amber two weeks prior. So instead he hesitantly slid his hand closer to the cats back before pausing.

"Would it be okay if I touched your back?" Sebastian asked quietly. His heart began to beat faster. He wasn't sure himself why he wanted to touch the other even slightly and he was too tired to back down because of his thoughts. His head felt heavy against the pillow as he stared at the back of his fiancés head.

Kaylen wasn't sure of the Alphas intentions and suddenly was more awake than he had been when he entered the room. Kaylen hated being touched it was as simple as that, even more so when a wolf wanted too. His skin crawled with displeasure even without being touched yet but called out his agreeance. He was more curious to know what the older had planned and his curiosity overtook his displeasure. He was still on high alert and was thankful it was dark so the other wouldn't see the fact that he was ready to pounce at any moment to kill him.

Sebastian hearing his consent reached forward and with his fingertips began to slowly trace patterns across the others back gently. The heat of Kaylen seeped onto his finger tips and he sighed at the heat. He felt every crease, every muscle on his fiancés back gently and tenderly afraid to press into the other. Sleep soon consumed him and his movements halted as his hand dropped down to the bed.

The light snores leaving the Alpha signaled to Kaylen that he too could now go to sleep. His nails retraced and he yawned now exhausted and feeling lighter with the way the alpha played with his back. What Kaylen hated the most than being touched at this moment was the fact that he didn't mind Sebastian doing it as much as he thought he would.

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