Chapter Four

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Sebastian hadn't seen Kaylen other than their chambers at nightfall all week. His father had told him of the study he granted Kaylen to use during the day for his own responsibilities to his people. Kaylen much like Sebastian was heir and he understood why he hadn't seen his fiancé.

Not that he really wanted too. It was always quiet at night the two rarely spoke to one another and it only felt slightly awkward now that they've shared the same bed for the past week. This evening they were scheduled for an outing at a restaurant in town. It was only for them to be seen out in public together in their 'relationship' to help show those that it was running smoothly.

Sebastian stood at the foot of his bed facing the skinny mirror to glance over his appearance. He was wearing a black button down with a pair of black skinny jeans and his hair was slightly styled. Kaylen had returned to the bedroom while Sebastian had been showering and went to change in his study. The alpha sighed, checking his watch as he lightly tapped his foot on the flooring.

He wasn't aware of Kaylen entering the room earlier so the older assumed the younger had forgotten the outing his father had planned for them. He was slightly annoyed and his palms were slightly sweating from knowing this could go one of two ways if it wasn't perfect.

"Sebastian? Are you ready?" His eyes snapped to meet a pair of golden ones by the door he hadn't heard open. Kaylen stood with a navy button down and ripped black skinny jeans that hugged him smugly. His blonde hair was flat and drifted slightly into his eyes as his face remained expressionless. As always.

"Yes, I didn't see you come in to change." The second Sebastian had said it was when he realized he probably sounded creepy. Not that he wanted to see the boy change it just surprised him to see him already dressed.

"I didn't want to make it awkward for you again as it had the first night." Kaylen responded with a slight shrug. He gestures toward the door with his hand and Sebastian quickly took the hint with a nod. In haste he grabbed his wallet and keys from the night stand and followed after the blonde down the corridors toward the garage.

"I hope you enjoy seafood, I should have asked." Sebastian began awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

Kaylen chuckled softly with an amused grin that had the older boys breathe hitch. "I love seafood, do not worry."

The car ride was painfully quiet and the younger had his gaze out toward the window as the tree line eventually vanished as they made their way through the city. Sebastian on multiple occasions debated if he should bring up conversations but seeing the blonde not look at him once he decided against it.

When they had made it, Sebastian drove up to the valet line and rolled down his window as he placed the car in park.

"Good evening Sir, I am Jace. If I could please have your keys upon your departure." The guy at the valet had addressed as him and Kaylen exited the vehicle. He handed the keys and in return the valet driver handed him a valet ticket with a number to retrieve the car later on that evening.

Once Sebastian's feet hit the sidewalk he had to keep himself from being startled as Kaylen came significantly closer. The pale boys fingers trailed down his arm and looped his hand with the alphas, snuggling into his side. Golden eyes looked up to meet Sebastian's as he offered the older a smile.

"Shall we my love?" The younger questioned with a hint of affection. It caused the alpha to simply nod unsure of the blondes sudden change of mood. He knew it was for show but it sounded too real for his own ears. It had a weight settle in the pit of his stomach as they traveled inside.

They were quickly seated, the omega at the counter upon seeing them immediately brightened in mood. Her eyes had gone wide when she noticed their conjoined hands and ushered them quickly to the secluded section on the upper floor near the glass window to overlook the city. He could tell she was from a neighboring pack just from her scent and he was glad to know the news would travel.

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