Chapter Three- The first touch

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He was gorgeous, every girl dreams he was a lot taller than me and a lot paler than me. Beautiful, almost white, blonde hair, with piercing blue eyes, his face so chiseled and sculpted like I could've cut my finger on his jaw or cheek bones. He smirked at me, looking me up and down slowly, "are you lost?" he said and then turning and laughing with his friends. "Um no. Yes actually," I said, stuttering, "I'm uh, new and I don't know where I'm supposed to sit, like there is a certain place I don't know and I haven't even seen a space in order to sit yet." "Well sorry to say this but there isn't any room for you here either you see we are kind off all good friends and you don't seem like our type of person," said the miserable girl half smiling at me. She was a pretty girl with brown hair put up into an almost spiky ponytail on top of her head, she had dark eyeliner all around her eyes showing off her green eyes which matched perfectly with the green in her uniform. She would've been more pretty if she didn't act like a total and complete bitch. I just smiled back to her and replied, "no worries don't think I'd be gaining much from sitting here with you anyway." I started to walk away when the blonde boy shouted at me "Hey, there appears to be plenty of space next to me." I gave in, I turned around and sat down next to him, the girl not just giving me the evils but also the boy next me. "My name is Draco," he said putting his hand out to shake formally. I giggled, shaking his hand, "Y/N." "Y/N, this is Blaise and Pansy," he introduced me to his friends. Blaise was an attractive boy. He had dark skin and short black hair that was cut so evenly and neatly, he had bigger arms and shoulders than Draco and he seemed chilled and laid back like he didn't have a care in the world. He had a pretty face, you know the types of boys I mean with a pretty face, slightly chiseled and soft eyes. Blaised smiled at me gently and said hi, Pansy still sat completely in a strop and was now refusing to even look in my direction. I had come to the conclusion that Draco inviting me to sit here was making Pansy slightly jealous and if something was to be going on between the two I was the last person in the world who would want to intervene.

We sat in silence for a moment or two before Draco turned to me and asked, "so your new, where are you from, what wizarding family." I noticed Pansy's ears prick up as if she was eager to hear my reply. "Oh I'm not from a wizarding family, my parents are both muggles." Pansy giggled and whispered under her breath, " well Draco won't like that." And he didn't, his face completely dropped as if he had just immediately lost all interest in me, Blaise still completely unfazed. "Oh that's a shame, bit of a let down really you had striked my interest until about then Y/N." What, I didn't understand, I knew people were sometimes a bit rude to people like me but I had never actually experienced it first hand. Had he really honestly just lost all interest in me over one minor detail, I mean he's only known me 5 mins and I've already somehow ruined a potential something. It went completely silent apart from Pansy's eye rolling that I swear I could actually hear.

All of a sudden I felt this cold breeze blow from behind me tickling the back of my neck, I started to notice the window next to Blaise and Draco gradually frosting over. " What the-'' I said. Draco looked over and noticed the window and everyone in the carriage started freaking out confused over what was happening. I heard a loud squealing and shouting edging closer to us down the aisle. I didn't dare to see what it was until a great dark cloak looking figure came soaring straight past me the moment I screamed and I felt someone grab my hand and pull me in and out of harm's way. It was Draco, he held me closely with his arms wrapped safely around me. Tears started rolling down my eyes and I continued to scream, Draco held me and consoled me whispering in my ear to breathe and calm down and that everything would be okay. I was beyond shocked and confused and scared, what had just happened? What was that? Why is Draco holding me? I swear he hated me a second ago? After a few minutes I finally calmed down, Draco's arm still around me consolling me, I noticed Pansy's piercing stare looking at me as if I had just murdered her whole family, but what had I done?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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