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My lungs quickly felt tight. Like they were dying for air. Like I was... drowning. The sand no longer gripped my ankles. I was free to move, but I felt weak. My body was still numb even with this new familiar feeling of warmth over my body. I was trapped in the water because I felt too weak to move. Then something grabbed me and I was pulled out of the darkness where I shot my eyes open as my chest filled with air.

"Rainbow! Are you okay?!" I looked at the face of who saved me and saw Elemental who pulled me out of the water. My legs felt weak and my arms heavy. Elemental sat down next to me out of breath.

"I think so... What happened."

"I'm not sure. I woke up in this lake and Blue was still under the water. I used my powers to get us out, but couldn't even stand for a few minutes. I soon got Light and now you are out of the lake."

"Where is Hypno then? Aren't we still in the lake?" I felt another strong sensation of warmth run through my body. I suddenly had the strength to sit up. So I did.

"I think we are at a different lake... huh you got up fast. Light and Blue still can't even move. Blue is also unconscious." I looked over to see Blue laying next to Light. Light was awake. He looked at me.

"I don't recognize this place..." I got up to my feet and Elemental helped me up. Light sits up and shakes Blue Steve who wakes up.

"I don't either." Elemental looks around the area. I go over ot Light and hug him tightly. Light seemed concerned.

"Light, what's wrong?"

"The... The Guardian is not going to be happy."

"Happy about what? Also, you were about to be stabbed by that mutated steve! Why are you worried about that?!" I hugged my brother tightly. He hugs me back.

"Where are we?" Blue groans as he sits up as well.

"Elemental is figuring that out for us... But Hypno managed to get that... thing away from us. He is probably looking around for us right now!" I explained. Blue seemed a bit relieved while Light kept his concerned face.

"He won't be able to Rainbow." Now he sounded serious.

"What do you mean?"

"Guys! You are not going to believe me... but I think we are in the middle world." Me and Blue's jaws dropped. Light got up to his feet as if he already knew this. Elemental looked a bit panicked.

"The memorial for Sabre. It's only a little bit ahead of us. The town is not far off from us either." Elemental explained to us. I helped Blue off the ground. Blue eyes were still wide in shock. Light took the lead.

"Show us." He demanded Elemental. Elemental took us to the memorial he found and he was right. The memorial for Sabre is next to a large lake with the town filled with steves and our friends in the distance. We were here. Back in the Middle world.

"The lake is the strongest connection for spirits between the spirit world and the great beyond. We are all Li- very strong spirits and when we went into the waters we were forced back to this world. We were reborn in a way. It's better if the Guardian explains this."

"Well the Guardian is in the town so let's hurry over!" I started to head over before Light could stop me. We all made our way to the town when the realization hit me. I was going to see Sabre again. Here... be with him. Not a short visit, but here. For as long as I want. I didn't realize I stopped walking until a hand was waved in front of my face.

"Rainbow! Are you there?" Blue Steve asked me. I smiled.

"I'm just excited to see my old friend again," I said honestly. Blue smiles.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now