Chapter four

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next chapter guys.  im so sorry its taken me such a long time but i was debating on whether to change the direction of the story. sorry again :D enjoy xx



 "Cute lil mama had a swag like mine

she even wear her hair 

down her back like mine

I make her feel right

when its wrong like..."

I reached over and quickly slammed my hand down in the general direction of my alarm clock.  Aahh silence.  As I opened my eyes to the sunshine a slow smile spreading over my face.  This place wouldn’t be so bad.  I got up slowly feeling all the blood rush to my head.  Whoa not cool.  I thankfully went to the mall yesterday after school so I had decent clothes to wear.  After picking out ripped black skinny jeans and an Alesana band tee I had a long hot shower.  Massaging in my favourite strawberry shampoo I could almost forget about school today.  The jeans fit perfectly to my legs and I went in search of my eyeliner which to be honest could be anywhere.  Eyeliner, eyeliner where are you.  YESS I found it but god knows how it got in my sock.  Oh well at least I found it.  I lined my eyes quickly, put in my lip ring and hesitantly made my way downstairs.  I did not want a repeat of yesterday.  I peeked into the front room and saw that the coast was clear so I strolled into the kitchen glad to have the house to myself.  I could feel the worry pooling in my stomach but she always did this.  Sometimes I feel like I’m the parent I swear she acts more like a teenager than I do.  I grabbed an apple and my backpack before leaving for school.

After the first day, school never seems as daunting so I wasn’t worried at all.  I’m not really the nervous type anyway.  Yesterday was a one off.  *RING RING* oh how fantastic I’m late that’s just typical.  I sighed before walking slowly to my first lesson which just so happens to be maths.

As I walked into maths I was greeted by Mr Greene and his charming personality.  “Ah well if it isn’t Jenna-Dai, finally decided to show up I see.” He said sarcastically instantly annoying the hell out of me.

“Well Mr Greene I couldn’t stay away from you, your just a ray of sunshine” I replied not even caring if he kicked me out.

His stupid smirk instantly disappeared and the vein in his forehead came to the surface.  “That’s it you have a detention.  I expect to see you straight after school for an hour.”

“Oh, a whole hour with you?  Now my life is complete” I said sarcastically holding back a laugh.

“That’s enough go and sit down you delinquent child!” this time I didn’t even try to hold back my laugh I just walked to the desk in the back giggling obnoxiously.  Today was off to a great start.  Who knew maths could be so entertaining.

Lunch time eventually rolled around and I made my way out to the tree I sat under yesterday.  As I was walking still worrying about my mum I didn’t even hear Charlotte calling me.

“Jenna-Dai you better stop ignoring me and wait up.  I only have little legs.”  She had the most adorable fake angry look on her face as I stopped and laughed at her.  Turns out she wasn’t as shy as I first thought.  She was actually really cool. We became good friends instantly.

“Ha-ha little legs? You realise we are the same height don’t you Charlotte?”  I said rather amused.

“Oh shush lets go eat I am sooooo hungry” she moaned before linking her arm through mine and practically skipping to the tree.  As we got there and sat down she got the most disgusting piece of fruit out of her bag.

omg i have a brother... did i mention he kidnapped me for moneyWhere stories live. Discover now