omg i have a brother... did i mention he kidnapped me for money

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hey guys this is my first story so tell me what you guys think and i hope you like it :D  elisha-sha-sha



"Mum where are my jeans?" OMG this is ridiculous I need those jeans.  I literally have nothing else to wear and I cant go to a new school on my first day looking like a hobo who got all her clothes from a dustbin.  "MUM!!!!!" why wont she answer me.  Ugh fine Im just going to have to go see why she's ignoring me .  Stomping my way downstairs I take in the scene before.  OMG not again.  Looks like mum had one of her 'friends' round.  He turned around and looked me up and down before smiling creepily at me. 

"What the hell are you staring at dipshit?"  I didnt even wait for a reply I just stormed into the living room to see if my mum was still passed out.  She wasnt which was good.  "Mum your 'friend' is still here...why?" She just stared at me and took another gulp of her vodka.  I didnt need this today. 

 I was half way up the stairs when a voice made me turn around. "Hey baby why dont you and me get to know eachother"  OMG no way in hell. "In your dreams". I ran the rest of the way to my room.  I slammed and locked the door suddenly grateful that I was going to school.  I stared in the mirror.  I wasnt bad looking I guess.  I mean I had long blonde hair with the bottom dyed bright blue, green eyes that sometimes had brown specks in them.  I put in  my silver lip ring and went looking for something decent to wear.  I found an old pair of jean shorts that were ripped but not that bad.  I paired it with a black tank top that clung to my curves and my converse.  I applied a small amount of eye liner and mascara grabbed my backpack and ran down to the kitchen.  Seeing that mums 'friend' was still here I just grabbed an apple and left the house.  Finally freedom.       

okay so do you think i should carry on cause im not sure???? xx                                                                                                                                          

omg i have a brother... did i mention he kidnapped me for moneyWhere stories live. Discover now