chapter two

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okay so this chapter is longer than the last so i really hope you like it :)

As I got closer to the school the butterflies in my tummy turned to bats.  This is stupid Im never nervous about things like this.  I mean I got kicked out of my last school for punching the head teacher and the school before that I threatened some dude that tried to get with me.  Apparently its more serious when your holding a knife. I guess he didnt realsie I was having a bad day. Gutted on him.   The school came into view and it looked exaclty like I imagined it would.  It was huge and the brown crumblinig bricks were covered in grafiti.  I could see that at least three of the windows were smashed and I bet there were metal dectectors.  At least it was an improvement to my last school.  I was early but it wasnt exactly empty.  In fact it was the opposite.  Teenagers were everywhere.  Smoking by the gate, sucking face on the steps and some even looked like they were snorting coke on the field.  I kept my head held high and walked casually towards the front steps.  I could feel the eyes of everyone fixed on me but I refused to let my nerves show.  As I walked throught the doors I let a smirk creep onto my face.  I was right about the metal detectors.  I made my way through them, the security guy freaking out until I explained to him I wasnt carrying a knife but I had my hips pierced.   

I was searching my backpack for my timetable that I obviously forgot to pack when someone knocked me over.

 "Hey douchebag watch where your going" I shouted getting more and more pissed off. As I went to reach for my backpack it disappeared and was replaced with a muscular hand.  My eyes travelled up to face a guy that if I wasnt so pissed off I would have found fit.  He had black hair that swept to the side across his forhead, silver snakebites and these amazing blue eyes.  His mouth was set in a smirk and I had to force down a blush as I realised I was still sat staring at him like an idiot.  I stood up completely ignoring his hand and snatched my backpack from his grip.  Without giving him a chance to speak I stormed off down the corridor.    I suddenly remembered I still didnt know where I was going so I walked up to a pretty blonde girl. 

"Um... hi I was wondering if you knew where I could get a new timetable?" She looked up shocked. "Yeah sure just follow me" she said timidly.  I let out a sigh of relief and trailed after her.  I might as well  be nice. "So you got a name then?" I asked as she continued directing us.  "Yeah its Charlotte, your new right?" Isnt that obvious I thought but I didnt voice this because she seemed pretty cool. "Yeah Im new and I know your going to ask so the names Jenna-Dai, but you can shorten it if you want" I say a geniune smile making its way to my face.  She giggled quietly before turning to face me.  "Im not really big on nicknames and Jenna-Dai is really pretty so Im just gonna call you that" she said before stepping into an office and smiling hugely at an old receptionist.  Looking at her I realised she reminded me of my gran back in Australia. 

 "Hey Miss Cameron can Jenna-Dai have another timetable please?" Charlotte said before turning around and winking at me.  I laughed quietly as we waited for Miss Cameron to print out a timetable. 

"There you go dear I hope you have a good first day" she said kindly before turning back to her computer.  My eyes glanced over my timetable.  Oh your joking, I had maths first period.  This completely sucked because math was not my strong point.  Actually to be honest school in general is not a strong point for me.  I felt a presence behind me and turned to see Charlotte reading my timetable over my shoulder.

"Aww we only have p.e together but if you want I can show you to your first class, the belle already went?" She said obviously dissappointed.  I smiled and followed her down the hall.  We didnt walk very far before Charlotte pointed to a door, wished me luck and started walking in the opposite direction.  I placed my hand on the rusting door  hesitating long enough to fix a confident 'I dont give a shit' look onto my face.  Well this is it I thought as I pushed open the door. 



okay so i uploaded a second chapter and dont forget to comment and vote please :D

omg i have a brother... did i mention he kidnapped me for moneyWhere stories live. Discover now