Part of my child hood .

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So me and my mom had a good relationship and so did me and my dad . But not his family that did not like my mom or me so that were Bitches. I'm 2015 my dad got with my stepmom and she was very nice and my mom and her were like sisters they got along 2018 they were still together but November 3 2018 my dad passed away from drug abuse and I was only 8. That was hard for me and my mom and stepmom.I still see my stepmom all the time we still get along great and have a good relationship together she also had 2 baby's to my dad so I have brothers and that was fun so I see them all the time. There names are carter and lander 7and5 I love them so much they are a little crazy but I still love them. Then me and mom moved to pit burg for like 3 years with my aunt and we're fine.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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