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It was a moon of celebration as all the couples decided to get married, and wear traditional earth wedding dresses, the creatures, the tribes and the Guardians had all gathered, with food and decorations as Serena was the creator of these magnificent feasts. The youngest Guardians were also present watching this historic events. After the vows and exchange of the rings Vega stood in front of the crowd.

Vega- I have so many beautiful emotions for the celebration we are having this moon but sadly the words have not been invented for me to say them out loud. We have everything we ever wanted, new home, a peaceful future ahead of us....but we must also remember those who we lost, those who sacrificed themselves for our future..

The Guardians and the tribes looked at each other and kept quiet.

Vega-The Elder Guardians and so many soldiers from different tribes, let's take a moment and remember them and if everyone agrees I would like to mark this moon as the Remembrance Day, for those who put their existences for us to exist in peace.

Everyone applauded as the Guardians looked at their tribes and their beloved.




Vega and Lyra were making out, as they started to take their cloths off Joki appeared .


Vega and Lyra turned and looked at Joki and in a hurry they fell off the bed, wearing their cloths.

Vega-What is the matter with you?!

Lyra-Greetings Joki.

Joki-I apologize, I didn't mean to.

Vega-Why can't you warn me before you do that, that annoying teleportation gift you have is sickening sometimes, what if we were doing something else!

Joki-I apologized alright.

Vega-Oh alright since you apologized, everything's better and great, it's like smacking someone and then apologizing and expecting things to be alright!

Lyra-Vega is a bit disappointed.

Vega-I am not disappointed!

Joki smirked.

Vega-Stop smirking traitor.

Joki chuckled. They were finally dressed.

Lyra-I welcome you to our humble home.

Joki-I thank you my lady, I am here to congratulate you on your union, and to extend my loyalties and to take it a little further...I want to tie the Moonlit Kingdom to the Kingdom of Vega and Pavel like the Aquatic and  the Moon Planet were once...

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