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Niki was cleaning a few small cuts and burn marks on Y/n's arm when there was a knock on the door. She put the final bandage on and went to open it. Wilbur was standing there and there was someone behind him.

"Hey Wilbur." He whispered something to Niki and she nodded. Wilbur walked in and the person followed. It was another piglin hybrid.

"Y/n this is Technoblade. He's my brother." Y/n stood up and they just stared at each other for a minute.

"Sorry. I've never seen another piglin hybrid before."

"I haven't seen one in a long time." His voice was extremely deep. She laughed softly. "Well it was wonderful too meet you Y/n." The two shook hands.

There was something scarily familiar about him. Techno left the house but Wilbur stayed behind.

"He's gonna stay here for a while, my dad is gonna be here in a few days as well." Wilbur said. "Sorry if he's a bit cold towards you, he's not good with new people. I should probably go get the two houses ready." Wilbur waved by to the duo and walked out.

"What do you wanna do, Y/n?" Niki asked.

"I dunno, you pick something."

"You wanna try baking?" Y/n nodded. "Okay!" Niki pulled her into the kitchen and pulled out a lot of different ingredients.

"Here, can you crack two eggs in this bowl? Try not to get any of the shells in there." Niki handed Y/n a bowl and pushed a bowl of uncracked eggs towards her. Y/n cracked the two eggs into the bowl and according to the directions of Niki, added Vanilla and Milk into the egg mixture as well.

"Good! You did that perfectly! Now we pour this into the other stuff." Niki poured the mixture into a bunch of flour, sugar, etc.

"Can I mix it?" Y/n asked. Niki handed her a whisk and Y/n mixed it together. While she was doing that Niki pulled out a square pan and covered the sides in butter. Y/n poured the batter into the pan and Niki put it into the oven.

"Now we wait! I'll set a timer." Y/n sat down on the couch and looked out the window. She saw a person with giant black wings and Tommy run over to hug them.

"Who's the person with wings?" She asked.

"That's Phil! Do you want to go say hi?"

"Oh sure." Niki grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the house.

"PHIL!" The man named Phil turned around.

"Hey Niki! Who's this?" Phil held out his hand and Y/n shook it.

"I'm Y/n." Phil froze. "I'm sorry is something wrong?"

"No sorry, you just remind me of someone."

"Oh okay."

"It's wonderful meeting you! Why are you at L'manburg?"

"I'm here to help Wilbur!" She said with a smile.

"That's wonderful! He's been needing more help defending L'manburg against Dream."

"Dream is a dick for sure."

"Agreed, I gotta do talk more with Tommy and the others to make sure of something."

"Okay! Nice meeting you!" Phil smiled and walked away.

"He seemed worried, Did I do something wrong?" Y/n mumbled Looking at Niki.

"No! Of course not! You didn't do anything wrong." Y/n looked over to see Phil talking to Techno and he pointed at her. She worried they were talking bad about her.

"I'm gonna go for a walk Niki."

"Oh okay...Be careful." Y/n waved and walked off. She walked out of the gates of L'manburg and on a wooden path leading through some buildings.

"I'm getting tired of this red hair." She whispered to herself. "I might as well ask Niki if she can help me get it back to normal cause I don't think she was born with pink hair."

"Who are you talking to?" Y/n yelled and turned around quickly. There was a small kid standing there. It looked to be a he and he had bunny ears sticking out of his head. He had white hair and an eyepatch over one eye and ragged looking clothes on.

"No one...wait who are you?"

"I'm just passing through. Trying to find my parents that's all." She knelt down in front of him.

"Do you know where they are?"

"Nope! They left me at some crazy man's house so I ran away!"

"Do you want...To stay with me? I mean I'd have to ask a friend cause I'm staying with her but I could always build us a house."

"If your not a crazy man then I'd love to stay with you."

"I'm Y/n."

"I'm Eli. I'm 7 years old!" He held out his hand and Y/n shook it with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Eli! Now, let's try to find you some clothes that fit."

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