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Y/n looked around the area as Eli told her everything about him.

There was a store that didn't look quite finished called "Targay." She walked inside with Eli following next to her and saw some small clothes sitting on a shelf.

She grabbed them and showed them to Eli.

"You wanna try these on?"


"Do you need help or do you want me to turn around so you can change?"

"Can you turn around?"

"Of course, let me know when your done." She turned around and noticed the rainbow glass left rainbows all over the building.

"Okay I'm done!" She turned around and the clothes were a little baggy but fit him otherwise.

"Cool! Wanna go back to L'manburg and see if you can stay there?"

"Can you carry me?"

"Sure, Jump on my back." He wrapped his arms around her neck and she held onto his legs, carrying him all the way back to L'manburg.

"Hey Y/n!" Niki yelled happily running up to her.

"Hey! I found a little kid on the path. I don't know what to do." She whispered the last part.

"Why don't you give him to me and he can stay our house for now until we find his parents or someone who will adopt him."

"His name is Eli."

"Hi Eli! I'm Niki! Do you wanna go get some food with me?"

"Yeah!" He grabbed onto Niki's hand and followed her back to the house. Techno and Phil we're walking towards her.

Fuck shit crap Fuck.

"Hey Y/n!" Phil waved with a smile. She forced a smile and waved back.

"Hey guys, what's up?" She asked trying to seem normal.

"We just wanted to ask you some questions."

"Oh okay!"

"What's your full name?"

"Y/n Hadi."

"Do you remember your mom?" Techno kind of blurted out.

"Not really, all I remember is that she had wings and grey hair and really pretty golden eyes. I think her name was Athena." Techno's eyes widened.

"Do you remember your home?"


"Oh I'm sorry...Those are all the questions we had."

"Well, the sun has practically gone down so I'll be heading to Niki's. Nice meeting you both." She nodded to them and walked towards Niki's house. Y/n opened the door and Niki waved to her.

"I just finished dinner! Eli made the table and were gonna have the cake from earlier for dessert!" Y/n smiled softly.

"That sounds wonderful Niki, thank you." Niki smiled brightly and set food on the table.

"Dig In you guys!"


Eli was to sleep in a small extra bed in Y/n's room. Y/n didn't mind cause she wasn't even in the house. She was near the training stuff next to the van which she'd noticed had a sign that read "hto dog" and then something she could read next to it. She saw a punching bag and dragged it out from behind the van.

Y/n hung the punching bag on a thick tree branch and dusted it off. She took off her hoodie, to reveal a tank top, and wrapped some  cloth around her hands.

She got in her fighting stance and punched the punching bag as hard as she could. She continued to punch and kick the bag, getting all her anger out at once.

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