Chapter 1: A New Start

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Bent by Matchbox Twenty blasts through his headphones. He sits at the back of the bus, looking at his phone, looking at the news. "It's the end of the world!", "giant aliens arrive!" "Where are the Avengers now?!" Everything the world is used to, typical Thursday. New York, not a safe choice to live in, but it's barely a place to get away from everything, but it's good for hiding away from the past, a chance to focus on the future. New York University, not the place to be expected, but still, it's nice to be occupied, college you know? First step for Charlie Harper to have a normal life for once. He didn't look like one who stands out much. He had blue eyes, dark brown medium length hair with bangs swept to the side, and a quiet, and sometimes sarcastic personality

"NYU! Anybody gettin off?!" Yelled the bus driver, Charlie looks up and gets up and grabs his bags,he walks towards the door, and steps down from the bus, along with a few others. He sees the Spiriyual building with the logo in a flag attached to the wall. He takes his headphones off, and looks off to the distance behind him before he enters the building. He stops.

"Holy shit." Said Charlie, his eyes widened, jaw dropped, shocked at the amount of people attending the school, that was not expected, but hey it's New York. He passes by almost hundreds of students, going up the steps, and looks around the entire campus. He sees the administration desk. "Hi, Charlie Harper, just got accepted two months ago, I'm here to pick up my student ID?"

"Really?" Said the lady at the desk. "You got into this place?" She said, just by looking at him.

"Like it's hard?" Asked Charlie. She stares at him. "....GED, what do you want from me?" She gives him his ID card, and keys to the dorm room. Charlie grabs them both.

"Room 404. May God be with you." She said.

"Thank you, I guess." Charlie then walks to the Kimmel Center, he walks across the hall, along with more students, as he passes by the cafeteria, finally making it to his room.

"And so it begins." He sighs, as he opens the door, seeing one student on a desk, using his laptop, typing something. And another sitting on his bed with his laptop, really focused. "Oh, uh hi, I'm—"

"Boom! Hidden blade, bitch!" Yelled the one on the bed. He looks up and sees Charlie. "Oh, sorry, focused on the game you know?" He laughs, he had long black hair, glasses, dark brown eyes, and a calm demeanor. "Marcus Young, gamer, history nerd, ladies man." He introduced himself.

"Charlie Harper." He also introduced himself. "Um, new guy, sword expert, and cinephile."

"Nice." He says as he turns towards the other roommate. "Sean! Hey Sean!" Yelled Marcus, the other roommate finally looks away from his laptop and sees Charlie.

"Oh hi!" He says. He had light dark skin, brown eyes, short black bushy hair, a gap tooth, and a very flamboyant attitude. "Didn't expect a new roommate today." He greeted. "Sean Payne."

"Charlie." He said. "So you guys are friends?"

"More or less." Said Sean.

"It depends on the time of day." said Marcus.

"Since you're new, why don't we give you a tour? Show you around the place, the whole shabang."

"Thank you, but I watched a YouTube video, so, I barely know the way, sorry." Said Charlie.

"Oh, That's okay." Said Sean. "Lots of newbies like you get nervous around here, especially me and Marcus."

"Oh no, I already decided that I'm gonna burn this place down when I arrived." Said Marcus.

"Only for me to call the fire department. And the cops. And your therapist." Said Sean.

"You may try." Said Marcus. "Anyway, there's an extra room there, you can take that if you want. TV and all."

"Thanks, I'm a very private person, so I appreciate it." He walks to the door. "Nice meeting you guys, I hope I'm not giving you a hard time or anything."

"Not at all." Said Sean. "Trust us, you're fitting in just fine." Charlie gave a faint smile as he enters the room. A bed, desk, tv, nightstand with a lamp, what more could you want? He puts bags on his bed, he unzips and unpacks his clothes and puts them in the drawers, he then unzips his bathroom utensil bag, he sees his sword hilt laying next to it. He grabs it and sits on the bed, looking at the hilt. That's when the memories came back. Training, the criminals he faced, the enemies he fought, the friends he made, Clint. It's all over now, his time as a Ronin was over. This is a new life for Charlie Harper. And nothings going to change that...probably.

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