chapter 7

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Harry P.O.V.

i was sitting on Liams bed he was looking at me kinda confused kinda pissed (mad not drunk) i was for sure that i was mad, i mean i like, no LOVE this girl and here is liam taking her away from me... like seriously? i mean i know i alwasy get the girls, but still, oh hes getting more mad i better start talking

"please back off" i started with

"from Julianna?, HA Styles that wont happen in your life time" he sneered at me i just wanted to punch him in the face right then and there

"please dude, i really like her"

"you always 'really" like someone, like what happened to everyone else you 'really' liked" he air quoted the reallys i know what he was hinting at

"those were mistakes, i wouldnt do that to Ju, i promise.. just back off"

"dude stop, im not gonna, just get out" he said scarily serious so i left, but not before yelling "YOU MIGHT WANA COME DOWN AND SEE THIS" at that moment i ran downstairs with him hoy on my tail, i grabbed Julianna dipped her head back and kissed her, yup thats right KISSED her right there right infront of everyone Liam grabbed me and pushed me aginst a wall, my feet werent even touching the floor, Liam is actually really intimadating, i mean he boxed, he could knock me out in one ppuch and he was about to when Louis and Zayn got him off me and i sat on the floor looking at the hardwood realizing what i just did, i think i just made one of my band mates hate me... this will not end good..

Anna P.O.V.

what the fuck just happened? Harry kissed Ju, but Ju is dating Liam "WHAT THE HELL HARRY" Ju yelled she was pissed, you could easily see that, sh e went up and slapped him with Maddy following as i did the same we went upstairs, but not before Louis pulled me to the side "hey, uhh Anna would you want to uhh maybe go out later tonight?" i smiled nodded and said "yes, i would love to, but i need to go talk to Ju first, lets hope she wont kill harry" i chuckled he laughed back "hey, me and Zayn were plannign a double date, like me, you, him and he was gonna ask Maddy, sound like a deal?" i nodded and ran upstairs to see Julianna sitting on her bed she was thinking hard i noticed that Maddy wasnt there and i asked "wheres Maddy?" she looked up at me "Zayn took her i think he is finally gonna ask her out" i nodded and then the door bursted open and i saw Maddy standing there and she smiled the widest i have seen her do in awhile "IVE GOT A DOUBLE DATE FOR TONIGHT" thats when Julianna shot her head up and looked at me and said "Louis?" i couldnt help but smile at his name and i nodded we ended up in one of those like peppy jumping circles like in the movies, we always do this to make fun of the people who actually do it we stopped and laughed we just talked for awhile about what happened Ju said she was fine so we left it at that me and Maddy decieded to get ready for our dates, after we were done Zayn and Louis were sitting on the couch and they looked at us and smiled Zayn asked "you ready?" we smiled and nodded at the same time

Zayn P.O.V.

 me and Louis just decied to take them to ice cream it was getting late anyways and once we finished we left and we were laughin in the car and we opened the door to see a devostated Niall, crushed Liam, and a guilty Harry, what the hell happened while we were gone? "what the hell happened when we were gone?" Louis asked like he was reading my mind, Niall was crying, oh shit Niall never crys this must be serious, Liam was holding a note i took it from him a read it out loud

"Dear Harry, Zayn, Louis, Anna, Maddy, and Liam

i left.... i moved out, i feel like im ruinin the band

Maddy and Anna i want you to continue living there i know you came to visit me, but you have your own realationships now

im crying while writing this i cant believe that im doing this, but i am, guys i love you all, but eseually yyou Liam, i really do love you, but i dont want you coming after me

love always,


we were all in tears byt the end of that, but  i noticed something, Niall... he has another piece of paper i tried to grab it, but he pulled it away then handed it over, i was a note, directed just to him i read that one out loud also

"dear Niall,

you were the best brother i could ever ask for, i dont want to leave you, but i have to, im ruining your chances to be famous and i would haate to see you sepereate from the guys.. because of me, listen Niall, i love you as much as a sister coud, ill vivit, but im nto sure if i can handle living with you guys anymore, i wsh i did nt have to do this, but i do


the best sibling ever Ju

now we were all bawling Louis looked at Harry and screamed "THIS IS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT" oh shit... Louis yell at Harry that never happens then Liam spoke up and said "Louis calm down its not" Harry finally spoke up "hes right.. it is" and with that he wen tot his room, well thats not how i expected the night to end


ahhhhh dont hate me hehe, it will get better i promise guys, keep reading, or ill come to your room and kill you, JUST KIDDING... maybe haha i love you guys (:

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