Chapter Four

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Jasper and I got to my house at the same time Edward pulled up. I glared at him as Jasper let me out the car. Heading up the stairs to the house I shove past Edward and head inside to the living room where dad was sitting on the couch. He smiled at me causing me to smile back. 

"How's the little spud?" He asked.

"Good." I giggled. 

We both got up as there was a knock on the door. Bella opened it to reveal Edward and Jasper. I rolled my eyes as Edward started to complain about how worried he was while dad left to watch tv. Jasper walked over but froze sniffing more. I watched as both him and Edward rushed upstairs. Bella and I look at each other bewildered before following our mates upstairs. Jasper ran up to my room and I followed. I watched him look around the room. 

"Jazz?" I asked gently. "What is it?"

"Someone's been up here." He says. "We need to head to my house."

"Do you recognize the scent?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head before grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs and out the front door.


Emmett and Creed went to check the scent. I couldn't track it since the pregnancy has been messing with my gifts. I was sat on the sofa beside Carlisle watching the news. 

"It disappeared four miles south." Creed says as he and Emmett walk in the house.

Rose came over sitting beside me placing her hands on my belly fondly. I smile at her fondly. 

"Newborns." Edward suddenly realized as Carlisle turned off the tv. 

"Newborns?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, our kind just under a year old." Edward says.

"Their human blood are still in their skin, thirst is uncontrollable and they're stronger than us." Jasper explained as he sat on the floor in front of me. 

"And it's not random." Creed says. "They're making an army."

"We go to Seattle and kick some ass." Emmett smirked causing me to chuckle. 

"We need to watch the girls' house." Edward says.

"Seriously." Rose scoffed annoyed. "Another protection detail?"

"Rose." Esme scolded.

"No, she's right." Bella says. "You guys need to keep yourselves fed."

"Yeah." I nodded with my fingers in Jasper's hair. 

"We're not leaving you girls defenseless." Edward says.

"Especially since Julie is pregnant." Jasper says glancing back at me.

"We also got." Bella trails off.

I turn to her smirking. Edward growls. "No." 

I turn to glare at him. "Pain." 

Edward fell to his knees screaming in pain. I let up from the gift smirking. "Yes."


Bella, Jasper, Edward and I stood outside as Paul and Jake took in the scent. They both came out the house. I smiled as Paul shoved Jake out the way as he made his way to me. For some reason I want to be near him all the time and his hands are usually glued to my belly.

"We don't recognize the scent but we'll take it from here." Jake snarled at Edward.

"You will take nothing from here we'll handle it." Edward growled angrily.

I watch as they go nose to nose before Bella shoved between them with both her hands outstretched. 

"That's it!" She snapped. "I'm Switzerland until all this is over you two have to get along for our sake." 


I sat in Bella's room with Angela and Bella. We were all making graduation invitations. I watched as Bella got up from the floor rubbing her sore hand and walked to the window. I followed suit and smiled as Emmett and Alice switch places with Paul and Jared.

"You two okay?" Angela asked.

"Yeah." I say turning around subconsciously putting my hand on my belly.

"Why do you do that?" Angela asked.

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?" 

"You always like subconsciously put your hand on your stomach. Jasper does it a lot too." She explained.

"Please do not breathe a word of it." I mumbled. "I'm pregnant."

She squealed getting up from the floor rushing over and hugging me.

"I'm so excited." She says. "I promise I won't tell a soul."

I giggled at her hugging her back. I get a text and quickly read it. 

From: Rosie

Can I go with you and Jasper to your ultrasound tomorrow?

I quickly reply with a yes before we continue our duty of writing.


Rose, Jasper and I where all in a smallish room. I sat on the bed with the stirrups waiting for Carlisle to enter the room. He soon does and smiled brightly at us. I lift my shirt up to under my breasts revealing my belly. He squirts the gel on my belly before putting the wand on my belly moving it around. Carlisle wants me to have weekly ultrasounds since my baby is part vampire. I heard a faint and slightly fast whooshing sound. My eyes locked with Jasper's. This is the first real time I've actually heard my child's heartbeat. Tears filled my eyes as I smiled. Jasper smiled leaning down and pressed a kiss to my lips. 

"The baby seems to be growing about two weeks or so faster than a normal human baby." Carlisle says while cleaning off my belly.

Once he finished I hopped off the bed. "Come on you two I heard Esme made me some pancakes." I grinned.

Jasper and Rose laughed as I grabbed both of their hands pulling them out of Carlisle's office and down to the kitchen. I walk to the island and grin at Esme as she set a plate of Chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. I immediately dug in moaning at the taste. 

"Have you called Marcus to tell him?" Rose asked me.

I shook my head. "I was planning on it when Jane calls."

As if on cue Alice came in with my laptop and set it in front of me. Jane face was on the camera. She smiled brightly at me.

"Hey, Julietta." She says. "Here's your father."

My father's face appeared on the screen. "Hello, my darling little Colomba."

"Hey, Papà!" I grinned. "I've got some new to tell you." 

"What is it sweetheart?" He asked now worried. "Are you injured?"

"No, Papa." I say looking down. "I'm pregnant." 

"What?" He asked shocked. "It can kill you." 

"No papa, the baby is mostly vampire as what Carlisle can tell and they're growing two weeks faster than a human baby."

"Congratulations Colomba." He says. "You have to visit soon."

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