Will Gao x Fem Reader★彡

881 16 2

THIS GOT REQUESTED BY weirdo00102827

Y/N pov:
Bored. I am so very bored and I don't know what to do, the weather is shit, I already ate something and I've finished cleaning my room. Damn I guess I'll watch something on TV than. Bing
I heard my phone buzz and look at who might've texted me and I was delighted to find out it was Will.
Hey, are you busy I'm bored and I thought maybe we could do a movie night at yours?

Yeah let's do that, I'm also bored and idk what to do either.

Bet omw


Sometimes I ask myself if Will can read my mind because always when I'm bored or don't know what to do he either is already there or calls/texts me if we should do something. Literally scary actually.
As I was thinking of what kind of movies we could watch i heard the doorbell go off and made my way downstairs.
"Willllll" "Y/NNNNN" "Come on in and let's watch something or I might just die out of boredom!"
Will just laughed at me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and finally entered the house. "I already know which movie we're gonna watch so don't even bother looking for one." I just looked at him dumbfounded and asked what movie he had in mind "A new Disney movie just came out called 'Luca' we should watch it, it look pretty cool." "As long as it's not some shity horror movie I'm honestly fine with it."
While I was in charge to search the movie Will was in charge to bring the snacks and drinks.
When everything was ready i cuddled up to him and we started to watch 'Luca'.
"That's so stupid why would he jump down on the floor from that height?" "Even better question how did he not break anything?" We just laughed at the action of Aleberto and continued.
"Oh that little shit is so cocky he thinks he's the best with his ugly vespa, fucking dickward." "Damn will, you know he kinda reminds me of Tao the role you play in Heartstopper." That is so not true but I love watching him get worked up about such things "Excuse me how bloody DARE you Tao is like NOTHING like him, he's a little spoiled brat and just annoying really." He continued cussing the kid out while I couldn't hold it anymore and just started laughing. "I god I love you but please stop my tummy hurts from all the laughing dear!" "Well you started it with comparing me to that little shit, just because of that I will bot give you any more kisses today." Le Gasp "You wouldn't dare do that c'mere give me a kiss right now." The movie was long forgotten and the only thing I've tried to do was kiss my Will while he just ducked away and started to run away from me.
"Get away from me you are NOT getting a kiss I'm still pissed!" No he wasn't anyone can see that but he clearly loves to tease me.
"Fine you won't sleep with me in my bed then, you can sleep on the couch<3" .... "Alright come here I'll give you a kiss." "YES" Will roled his eyes while i stormed to him giving him a big ol smotch on the lips
"Love you Will" I quickly told him before I hugged him tightly. "Love you too Y/N."
I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

Guess what I got sick so that means that tmr I will not write me exam but next week so I thought why not write this chapter then, I can just learn the whole day tomorrow! Anyhow I hope you liked the Chapter it's not very creative but I did try my best! Love ya have a great rest of the day/night!!

사랑해요 <3 (learning korean rn so proud of myself fr)

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