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Chapter 1: Harold

He's so quiet yet mysterious. Its so weird and all those piercings and tattoos make him look all badass and sexy. That curly brown hair. I wanna fucking touch him. But I cant. OMG what the fuck am I saying He doesn't know me or talk to me or anything. Well I'm still aloud to think he's sexy and those green eyes can melt a girl.

"I am going to the teachers lounge you two stay here and finish your work while you eat." Mr. Victor said walking out the classroom.

Finally alone time with Mr. Badass sexy. "Hey" I whispered to him. He turned around and gave me this look I've never seen in years.

The room was filled with awkward silence and the aroma of pizza.

"Hey." He said awkwardly. He was so cute. I just.... I don't care if he has all those tattoos and piercings he's still sexy. "Hello?" I stopped daydreaming and noticed him talking to me. "Oh hey..... so why did you wanna come to Mr. Victors class the same time as me?" "I don't know I just came late so I didn't really know what to do during the lesson so I guess I'm lost." he responded putting his chin down on his crossed arms. "Well I can help you. Its the least I can do. I almost ran over you." "But you didn't." he butted in. "Well its not like I wanted to anyway I stopped so I wouldn't duh."

I know I had a sassy tone but he was being just as sassy so whatever. "I guess I could use help." he finally added. I scooted my chair over to his desk and leaned close. He smiled. JESUS HE HAS DIMPLES. And damn it was the first time I've seen him smile. It was all good. "So what am I suppose to do?" he asked snapping me out of the trance. "Oh um what you do is-" "I didn't really come here for help." he interrupted me. "I came just so I can get to know you." he had a little grin. Are you fucking serious!?

"Oh well my names Kaylee. I'm 17 and-" "I already know your name and I'm 18." once again he interrupted me. Wow. "Well whats your favorite color?..... wait lemme guess black?" I thought so that was kinda stereotypical.

"No actually its orange." Why orange? I really don't even. "Whats yours?" he asked being awkward again. "Oh mines purple." Wow this convo is boring.

"Wow this conversation is boring." He said sighing. Wow how the fuck did he know what I felt. coincidence duh. "So tell me about yourself." I wanted to pick this conversation up and make t spicy I guess I don't know. "Well I don't really-" "Hey lunch is over guys time to go to class." Mr. Smith interrupted. Damn I was just about to know more.

They both got up and headed out the door. "I guess I'll talk to you later." he said handing me a little piece of paper. He walked off pulling up his leather jacket. Damn that boy was fine.


"Move it fucktard!" I felt a shove

on my left arm and I fell to the ground. I'm tired of Josh and Austin bullying me. I'm done with this bullshit. I got up off the ground and lifted my chest. "What did you say!? You Dumb Ass!?" Why the fuck was I doing this. Oh I know because I'm sick of this shit.

"What!?" Josh lifted me off the ground and pushed me against the lockers. I just grinned. "WHIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE YOU CUNT!" wow he was angry. I just kept that face for a while.

He swung his hand heading straight towards my face. I ducked. Damn that was close.

Harry swung and

punched him on the left cheek.

"OH HELL NO YOU SON OF A-" Harry swung again and punched him in the face again. Josh pushed him harder against the lockers and soon enough there was the yelling and chanting of "Fight! fight! fight! fight!"

I really didn't give a fuck at this moment I was just swinging and giving it my all. I was tired of all this shit. All of the bullying. I lifted him up and slammed him on the ground and threw punches. I can see the corner of his eye bleeding and also his lip.

"HEY STOP!" Mr. Smith ran towards us and picked me up off of Josh. Mr.Victor held back Josh. "This isn't the last time Harry!" I heard him yell as he was being taken away. I pulled away from Mr. Smith. He held my arm but I pulled away again. "I'm fine!" I walked towards the doors of the school. I looked around at the faces that were starring and I noticed a blue eyed girl....... Kaylee was watching?!

I walked out the school doors and thought alot. I thought about what my mum would say. I also thought about what Kaylee thought. I don't know why I care for her. She's not even my friend or anything. I don't have any friends so......

I walked and kicked the rocks that were in front of me. I heard a voice it was kinda far away though. I turned around. "Kaylee! What the fuck are you doing?!" She seemed really tired and she was deep breathing. "I...I came to see if you were okay. I saw what happened and I wanted to see if you got hurt." Why did she care? Usually people just forget about me and walk away but she didn't. "I'm fine Kaylee. So how was it?" I gave her a smirk. "I think you won that one Harold. I didn't know you had it in you." I was shocked "How did you knwo?!" "How did I know what?" She asked curiously. "How did you know my real name was Harold?" I was surprised still. "Oh I went to the principals office to sign up for art club and they told me to put the slip into the student files. I saw your name. it read "Harold Edward Styles" and I knew your last name because when u gave me your number it said Styles." Damn that was a long convo of my name. "Shhhh I don't like being called Harold just call me Harry.

"Oh okay. Fine with me........ so why are you so quiet?" Why do you talk too much. Damn that was a bit rude. Thank god I didn't say it out loud. I just shrugged my shoulders. She rolled her eyes and kept walking next to me. "So tell me about your life." I needed to show I cared. I guess I do need a friend. "Well my lifes not that great right now. My parents are separated and all. My sister moved out. All I have is my friend Josey and You.....I think." I smiled yess I have a friend finally. She has to start getting use to me though. "So hows your life?" I answered to most informal way as possable "Well when I was younger my parents divorced and then.............."


This conversation went on for about 3 hours I kinda felt confurtable around her. She seemed pretty cool. I learned that she loves art and that she likes doing hair. I might let her play with me hair. "Damn it its 9 already?" she jumped. "My mums gonna kill me!" "I'll walk you home." I insisted. She gave me a smile.

She really was beautiful. Its like I can feel what she feels. I'm such a weirdo.

We approched her front door. "Thanks Harry for being my friend." I smiled big "Don't say that its lame just walk in your house and sleep." She smiled and closed the door behind her. I walked off heading home.


Wow he still was the same. We need to change that. He ddin't care about his grades. Or himself. Or anyone or anything. Wow this was tough. he totally needs help. All thise things he told me about his life I just......It broke my heart to see him in this position.

"Where were you?" I turned around and saw my mum standing there. Arms crossed with a smirk on her face. "I was with a friend from school we went studying." I had to lie. "Mmnhmmm...... I saw him and what he looked like. You are not hanging out with him again. Did you see all those piercings and tattoos?! No just no." "Mum are you serious!? He's just a friend.

Why are you hating on his apearance? He's not a bad guy." once again I lied. "He is my friend from school that is it nothing more." she just rolled her eyes. "I don't care. He'll brain wash you and talk you into wearing all those things." Wait what the hell!? "WAIT WHAT!? No mum its not like that! at all I'm not changing who I am or my apearance for anyone!" She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. I just rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to my room.

Why would I change myself. My apearance. I don't think I would pull it off anyway. Only he can pull off the sexy badass punk rock look. I liked him that way. I'm hanging out with him. I don't care what my mum says. I giggled to myself a bit and thought about his real name. Everytime I said it, it made me giggle. Haha......Harold.

end of chapter 1

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