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Chapter 2:

I felt my phone buzz. "Shit!" I quivered as I slowly pulled out the phone in my back pocket. That startled me. It was a message from Harry. Uh what the hell? How did he get my number? He's the one who gave it to me. Probably asked Josey. ugh That little bitch hah.

I opened te message.

Harry: Wanna hang out Saturday? Finally got my motorcycle working!

I smiled and looked down. He's a wild one. I can tell. The way he took down Josh. Wow that was incredible. Josh is like the strongest guy in the whole high school. Well not anymore. Styles has that title now I think. I messaged back.

Kaylee: Okay sounds fun to me. Howd you get my number?

I placed my phone on the counter next to my bed. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.


Joseys POV

"MOM I KNOW DAMN YOU DINT HAVE TO YELL AT ME IM JUST A PERSON!" I can't stand it here. I wanna escape of this shitland. I need help! I grabbed my back pocket and squeezed my butt. I yanked the cell phone out and dialed Kaylee.

I can depend on her for everything so I'm sure she can help. The phone rang for a few seconds.


"Yeah hey Josey whats up?"

"I'm done I don't know what else to do! My parents argue my sisters a bitch and my brother is gone." I spoke through my tears

"Okay calm down Josey wanna come spend the night?"

"Sure thank you so much Kaylee I don't know what I would do without you."

"Yeah yeah haha just come over whenever okay?"


I hung up. Finally I'm getting away from this shitty place. I'm disgusted with all of this shit. I'm done.

She walked to her drawer to get her things.


Kaylee's POV:

"Hey! Oh my gosh what happened?!" I asked giving her a warm hug. Her face seemed very pale and dull. Was she on drugs or was she like sick? "I'm fine I just wanted to get out of my house." She's a liar theres something much more than that. The way she said it. The way she slouched alot. I'm gonna find all this out.

"Sooooo I heard about you hanging out with that kid Harry was it?" She seemed so strange the way she said it. Like he was a really bad person. "Yeah he's a good friend I think he's cute." I smiled as I thought back to where I first saw his beautiful angelic face. I know he had tattoos and all but he was still gorgeous.

I stopped thinking and focus my vision on Josey. She was starring at me. Her arms were crossed and her eyebrow lifted up. "Oh my gosh what?!" I asked setting her stuff to the side. She just stood there and studied my face. "Oh nothing nothing. Just be careful okay. I care about you. He looks bad. Like to the bone." She laughed as I gave her a playful nudge in the arm.

"Don't judge him on his looks Josey. You don't know what he's really like." Thoughts ran through my head. Josey interrupted my thought "You don't know either. I'm just saying be careful. You never know how he's really like."

She gave me a wink before marching upstairs to my room. I was right behind her and whispered "Oh I will."


"So you almost ran over him?!" Josey chuckled. "Oh yeah. It was kind of a funny moment. Like right place at the right time." She looked at me confused. "You mean wrong place at the wrong time?" "No haha I was right the first time......So how did Harry get my number if he gave me his?" Josey turned her head obviously looking around the room. "You bitch!" I pushed her playfully. "Hey he asked me." She regained balance.

"Girls?!" My mom was yelling from down the hall. "Don't stay up too late. Kaylee your father has work." I looked at Josey who was now yawning and batting her eyes. "Okay!" I yelled back. "You sleepy?" "Nope just tired."

I handed her a blanket and she rapped herself around it. I laughed at her. She looked like a burrito. "Wanna eat me?!" she playfully wiggled in the blanket. "Never mind that sounded wrong." We both laughed at her comment.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up. Of course it was Harry. I opened the message.

Harry: You still up? :)

I turned to look at Josey who was struggling to get out of the burrito blanket. I looked back rolling my eyes and answered.

"Yes I am. Y?"

Before I turned my head, I heard it buzz again.

Harry: Look outside your window ;)

My cheeks turned bright pink. I felt a knot in my stomach. Was he serious!? No he wasn't. How can he be?! How does he know where I live!? The warm feeling now turned into a anxiety feeling. I turned to Josey. I can tell by the way she looked at me she knew something was wrong.

"Omg what Kaylee?! Are you okay?!"

She shook me a bit. I didn't respond. I stood there frozen. I handed her the phone so she can see the message.

Her mouth opened wide and she looked at me eyes wide opened.

"W-what do I do?" She looked at me and nodded her head. "Peek outside your window just a bit I-I guess." I nodded and I walked over to my window Josey right behind me. I took a small corner of my blind and peeked outside.

There he was the beautiful. Curly haired mysterious guy.

He waved as he saw me. I waved back unsure about the move I just made. Josey opened the blinds and gave him a big wave and pointed at me teasing me. He was laughing.

I opened the window so we can talk. "What are you doing Styles?" He stood there with his head down. His feet swirling in the grass. He was wearing his leather jacket and skinny jeans. He looked back up and smiled. "I wanted to see you. I couldn't wait much longer." I blushed and turned around to find Josey painting her nails. "Go ahead I'll wait."

I smiled and started to climb down the roof. What the fuck was I even doing. I struggled to get down. "Here I got you." He held out his arms and caught me. I smiled as he placed me to the ground. The grass was cold even though I had my slippers on. It wasn't cold outside so I was wearing my capri pjs with a tank top.

"Are you cold?" he asked giving a grin. "No I'm fine." He wrapped his leather jacket around me. I smiled a bit. My cheeks bright pink. "So why did you come here? N-not that I didn't want you to." I put my head down waiting for his responce. "Because I wanted to tell you something." What was he gonna say. Oh my gosh.

My fingers were shaking. My stomach was in knots.

"I like you Kaylee. I know its crazy we just met, but you seem pretty cool. Your not like most girls." I was assuming he meant he liked me as a friend, but I wasn't sure. "You mean as a friend right?" I asked making sure. "No. I like you more than that." Those words made my heart beat faster. I hugged him tightly and pulled away. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I looked up at my window and saw Josey with a smirk on her face. "Go ride with him on his bike loser!" I giggled. He held my hand and brought me to his motorcycle. He handed me a helmet and said "Hop on lovely." I winked and got on the back. He sat in front. "Hold on." He grabbed my hands and placed them around his waist. I looked back at Josey who was smiling and waving. "Have fun!"

we drove off.

Dark turns to Light (harry styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now