It's okay.

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4 years later: Bucky and you have gotten along really well, were best friends. But ya'll are both in a lot of pain mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. He's been here longer than you but you have probably killed more people still, HYDRA controls you to use your powers on missions but when their not in control you have some trouble controlling them, of course you can use them to the basics but your emotions still get the best of you. But it will all be over soon. "Are you sure about this?"Bucky asked. "No, but what else can we lose?" you said. "Good point I guess." Bucky said. "Ready? A guard is coming for one of us." you said. "Ready as I'll ever be." Bucky said. "You've got another mission, get up soldier." the guard stated. Bucky got up and then attacked the guard and killed him, as he was looking through the guard's clothes for the keys to your cell a red alarm went off and ya'll heard guns clicking and footprints coming closer. " have to go." you said. "What!? No! I'm not leaving without you y/n." Bucky said. "The guards are coming. We only have like 40 seconds till their here. We can't both escape. It's okay. I know you'll come back. I can wait a little longer." you stated. "No I-I can't leave without you, I wont." Bucky said. "Yes you can, Its okay. Bye Bucky." you said. As you'll heard the guards coming Bucky said. "Damn it! He doesn't have the fucking keys." "You have to go NOW, Bucky." you said. "*sigh* okay, bye y/n, I'll come back soon, I promise." bucky said. "I know you will, bye Buck-Beek." (your special name for him) you said. He stared at you. "Its okay, go." you said and then he ran off, broke a window, and left. The guards and the HYDRA leader got there, "Big mistake soldier, BIG mistake!" the HYDRA leader said, he then walked off firmly and the guards followed. You slowly slumped down and cried. Bucky was the only thing you had left. And now he was gone. You felt so empty and numb. 

1 year later (your now 15): BOOM! The loud noises had been going on for a good half hour now. You assumed HYDRA was either trying to perfect a REALLY heavy duty experiment or someone was breaking in to HYDRA. And you were hoping that person was Bucky. Then you heard 2 sets up foot steps running thru the hall, you looked and it was a man and a woman. A red head with green eyes, a skin tight suit and lots of weapons. And a man with light brown hair, a black suit, and a bow and arrow. You were scared they were a new person from the Red Room to teach you more, so you backed in the corner making a slight sound. You normally wouldn't be so scared, but the last time you were with the Red Room you had your graduation. So you now can't have kids. The 2 people must have heard the slight sound you made because they looked at each other then at the cell and slowly got closer. They looked in the cell closely and saw a figure in the corner that looked like a person. "Hey, were not here to hurt you. Were part of the avengers, you can come out." the red headed woman said. Since they had weapons you didn't come out. They looked at each other and the man slowly put his bow and arrow down, and so the red head did the same shortly after. They looked at you and "I'm Clint, were here to help. This is my friend Natasha." Clint said. Natasha nodded for you to come out the dark. You slowly crept closer and came about 3 feet away from the cell door, you were close enough for them to see you, they could see your brown hair and hazel eyes. "I'm y/n" you said. "That's a lovely name." Natasha said as Clint picked the lock. When he was done, Natasha slowly reached her hand out and helped you out. "We found someone, were bringing her to the jet" Clint said. "Were gonna help you out, let's head to the jet." Clint said. You were confused but went anyway....

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