crotch-throat grab

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When you woke up you saw....

You and Wanda were cuddling, and you were so warm and comforted being wrapped in her arms. For the first time in a while you didn't have nightmares, which was surprising. But, you couldn't help but wonder how Wanda would react when she woke up. But to late to thing about that, "Good Morning" Wanda said with a cheerful smile. "Good Morning to you too" you said smiling back. "Uh-I-Um- sorry" she said removing her arm and scooting over a little bit.
She then propped her head up on her hand without breaking eye contact. "No, it's fine" you said after she shifted, the cold air hit you hard when she moved away. She gave you a 'are you sure' look, "Really, it's fine, I honestly slept pretty good, minus the scene I made with the nightmare thing." you said laughing a little, Wanda giggled at that, and replied with "Me too" you stared at each other appreciating every bit of this moment till Wanda glanced at the clock and saw it was 8:30 and then broke the silence, "Well we should get to training, Tony's going to kick my ass for being late." she said getting out of bed, the way the light hit her face made her look like a true angel.

"Why what time is it?" you asked also getting up. "8:30, we all have to get in the gym and be training by 8" she said. "Oh yay! We get an early start." you said being sarcastic, she laughed, "Y'know if you keep up with the sarcasm maybe Tony will finally make friends with someone" she said with a slight bit of mockery in her voice. "Oh wow I can't wait!" You said laughing with the most amount of sarcasm you could put in your voice. "Okay well I'll go so you can get ready, meet me in the gym in 20 minutes for training, if you need help finding it just ask J.A.V.R.I.S." and with that she left. 20 minutes!? What the hell am I gonna eat!?  you thought. You brushed your teeth, washed your face, and got on the exercising clothes, (courtesy of Nat) and asked J.A.R.V.I.S. where the kitchen is. You followed the way J.A.R.V.I.S. said, grabbed a protein shake out the fridge and headed to the gym (also with J.A.R.V.I.S. help). I guess this is why there aren't any maps in this place, just ask the dang off brand Alexa you said in your head.

When you walked in you saw all the Avengers wide awake training. How the hell are they wide awake? You thought. "Y/n! You decided to join us." Nat said walking out of a ring with boxing gloves on. Steve followed her out the ring "You know how to fight?" He ask, in a calm manner, which is shoking considering he's sweating from fighting. "Yeah I know how to fight." You said with attitude. I was in H.Y.D.R.A for 5 years how could I not know how to fight? Dumbest. You thought in your head. And even though you said it in your head you looked at him like it was the stupidest question you've heard in your life. "Here." He said handing you a set of extra gloves. "Care to join me in the ring?" He said stepping inside.

Is he serious? Fine! Challenge excepted. You said in your head. "I'll go easy on you." He said smiling. "Pfft no need" you said, smirking. With the two of you in the ring now staring daggers at each other, the Avengers have stopped what their doing to look at ya'll, all curious to see who's going to win. "No powers" Steve says before throwing a punch toward your face. You grab his hand, twist his arm, throw your legs over his head, around his neck, and then forcing your legs down, all in about 2 seconds. He tumbled to the ground whereas you landed on your feet. Everyone looked surprised, except Bucky. Instead Bucky smiled and said "Need some help up?" With a high amount of sarcasm looking at Steve."Real funny" Steve said jumping up and walking toward you "That was impressive!" Steve said smiling. "Obviously" you said walking away. As you were walking away you caught a glance at Nat, she was looking at you with a lot of question, she quickly looked away after you caught her looking.

Natasha's POV: I watched Steve and Y/n squaring up, Steve threw a punch at Y/n but instead of him hitting them. They used my signature move. Something I call the 'Crotch-Throat Grab'. I was shocked, not because they won the fight. But because.....I learned that in the Red Room. And yes I know they were in H.Y.D.R.A. but....only the Red Room teaches that. So they must have been in the Red Room at some point. Why wouldn't they tell us though? I guess I'll have to ask them....

Back to second hand POV: You saw Wanda looking your way so you walked over to her, "Hey, that was pretty cool!" Wanda exclaimed. "Uh yeah, I guess so.... I wasn't really expecting him to start yet though" You said honestly. You normally wouldn't purposely use the move you used but, you really didn't expect him of all people to throw the first punch or start without saying so. Natasha walked up to the two of you, "Hey, Y/n.. do you have a minute?" Nat asked. "Yeah, sure!" you said and followed her out of the training room. "I was just wondering... where'd you learn that move you used on Steve?" She asked. You really didn't expect her to ask this nor did you plan on telling anyone you were in the Red Room too. I mean you don't exactly like talking about the fact that you can't have kids anymore. "In H.Y.D.R.A." you lied. Nat knew you were lying but she just replied with "Oh okay, sorry to bother you". And with that she went back to training. 

Nat know's you were lying, she just doesn't know exactly what the truth is... But she's determined to find out.

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