C H A P T E R ⬩ T H R E E

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C H A P T E R   T H R E E

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C H A P T E R   T H R E E

( #brason4ever )


          "THIS PLACE IS insane! Gods, I'm beginning to grow a bit jealous of these Romans!" Malia looked around New Rome with wide, enchanted eyes. The place was beyond beautiful, and she couldn't keep her jaw from dropping each time she saw something new and exciting.

New Rome was something Malia couldn't even describe. It was filled with vibrant buildings and beautiful gardens and winding cobblestone pathways. Every piece of Roman architecture she'd ever seen in any book she'd ever read was before her, her eyes lighting up at the beauty of it all. There were flowers of many colors, each one brighter than the next. Statues of Roman gods and goddesses littered the grounds, standing in fountains and gardens and in front of houses. Malia's eyes grew extremely wide when she spotted a large building with a bunch of teens surrounding it and conversing.

"Is that a college?" she asked, bewildered.

Jason chuckled, nodding. "Yeah. New Rome has a college and a place for people to spend their lives, raise a family. It's the safest place for demigods after their years of servitude to the legion."

Malia couldn't seem to comprehend that fact. She'd known from the moment she stepped foot in Camp Half-Blood that it was the only safe place for her kind. She knew that she'd only be able to spend her summers there, and if she ever wanted to return after graduating high school, it would have to be as a counselor for the cabins. Attending college would be difficult and dangerous and attempting a life after camp would be the same. 

But to hear that New Rome had a college and a place to live after everything was done? She couldn't believe it. The thought made her heart soar in her chest. Could she actually manage to get a college education and live somewhere where she wouldn't have to fear a monster attack at every corner? 

"Did you ever plan on going there?" she finally said, blinking rapidly as she looked away from the building and toward her boyfriend.

Jason hummed in thought. "I'd never thought of it. As praetor, I thought I would be there until I was no longer needed. But now that I'm back again, and everything has changed for me . . . maybe."

"What would you major in, Hercules?" Malia asked, swinging hers and Jason's hands back and forth as they walked toward a coffee shop. They planned on getting some coffee and touring the rest of the city before finding a nice place to sit and talk until it was time for the Senate meeting.

Jason shrugged. "Probably something to do with leadership."

Malia pulled a face. "Gods, please tell me you don't mean politics. I'm not going to date a future politician. Too stressful."

𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 ! [jason grace]¹Where stories live. Discover now