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In all honesty, Zenitsu is currently very afraid.

After their failed attempt at an escape he was dragged into this weird room with no windows and one large mirror, securely handcuffed to a metal table, sitting right in front of a man with a seemingly kind looking face. The place's only light came from some panels on the walls and one directly above the table.

It was scarier considering the demon guy was in the corner of the room, guarding the only door out, looking at him with intent.

Zenitsu was shaking, you can even hear the chains and the metal chair he was on rattling.

"Let's start this again, shall we?" The man in front of him says. "My name is Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, I'm here to conduct an investigation on you and your friends' sudden appearance in Mustafu three days ago."

Zenitsu gulps and nods. That part he understands. Although he doesn't know this place was even called Mustafu.

"Can you please state your name and age?"

The blonde fumbled for a bit, turning his shaky gaze to the man in the corner.

The detective clearly sees his discomfort.

"Don't worry, he'll just be observing us today." He says, waving it all off like the hero didn't literally fight him and his friends yesterday. "Just pretend it's just you and me."

"Like I'm going to pretend that there aren't people watching us behind that mirror?"

The two older men startled. The detective more visibly than the other. The hero raised a surprise eyebrow at that.

"How do you know that?"

"I can hear them."


Huh... How odd. It was said as if it was the most normal thing to breathe. To other people in Zenitsu's old home, people find it extremely creepy. Saying he must've been hearing ghosts, making him afraid of his own innate gift. He learned that the scary noises were actually his so called "friends" true nature's and he never hung out with them ever again.

To the man in front of him, this was his quirk.

"Ah... I see." He says. He clicks on his pen and taps his little notebook. "Is that your quirk?"


The detective did not miss the odd look on his face.

"Well... I wouldn't really consider that quirky. My friends say I sleep-walk a lot so..."


"Can we continue?"

The young slayer nods.

"Can you please state your name and age."

"Agatsuma Zenitsu, 16 years old."

Tsukauchi began writing on his notepad. It made Zenitsu frown in confusion. He's not as talented as Uzui is with using his ears, the man can literally read his opponents next move, he can't do that. But he can do other things if he applies himself more. Which he has been doing a lot lately. The stress from fighting Kaigaku and from losing his Gramps were slowly pushing Zenitsu into getting a bit more serious. Now that he and his friends are trapped wherever they are, he can't rely on his friends anymore. He needs to be independent. Heck he's the eldest out of the three of them and yet it's Tanjiro who's always doing everything. He needs a break, more so when he heard what the crows said.

Anyways, he was getting out of track here.

Zenitsu is naturally gifted with ears that could hear everything.

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