Oppa, Annyong!

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Today was a good day to hang out at your local coffee shop.  You loved relaxing in the lounge while you sit and write your fan fictions about your favorite fictional characters from your favorite anime: (favorite anime).  You ordered your favorite drink, and sat in the sun deck where you could see a clear view of the city with the mountains from afar. The waitress brought you your drink and left.  Putting in your earphones, you decided to play BigBang...even though they are not together anymore.

Getting into your fan fiction, you felt a hand tap your shoulders.  Usually no one hangs around where you rest, but somehow they decided to.  In a way it bummed you out, but you didn't care.   You took off your earphones and turned your head to see the man with short blonde hair, bangs covering one eye, wearing a plain white shirt and dark blue jeans, with tan/dark boots that somewhat a lumberjack would wear, with a dark blue checkered red and white flannel wrapped around his waist.  He looked really handsome!  Not knowing for how long you were starring at him, your cheeks began to glow bright red. 

"Miss?  Miss?" asked the stranger.  "Yes?  Oh sorry, I was busy..." He let out a small laugh, "It's alright.  I was just wondering if I could sit next to you?  I just thought it would be awkward if you know..."

"Oh yes!  Definit-...wait, are you who I think you are?"

"Daesung?  Daesung Kang?  Yes that is me."

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?"  He sat down next to you.  "Vacation.  Settling down."

"You're not playing music?"

"I am!  I decided to to take a break and concentrate on myself...meet new people." smiling at you.  That sweet smile you always loved; could not believe he was actually talking to you.  Before you could say any other words, screams from fangirls came up behind you.  You nearly dropped your laptop, but Daesung helped prevent that from happening.  You let out a sigh, then let out a small smile.  "Daesung!  Hey, can I get a picture with you?"

"Sure ladies." he smiled and wrapped his arms around them.  The girl who had her phone out looked at you and asked if you could take the picture.  You nodded and counted: ha-na, tul, set.  The girl quickly grabbed her phone out of your hand and asked Daesung if he could walk them out.  He obviously agreed, since he is very kind and sweet.

Waiting for his arrival, it has been over 15 minutes and thought maybe he left.  Good to be true, right?!  You begin to pack your things and start walking out of the coffee shop.  A couple of blocks away from the shop, you were surprised with hands resting on your shoulders and gasped as the breath you once held was quickly exerted, "Sheesh, at least leave me a note before you left." 

"Sorry, I thought you left with those girls.  My apologies."

"It's alright, don't be.  But those girls sure can find their ways to keep an artist from turning away from them."

"It's because your too soft."

"What is that suppose to mean?" 

"Do you never say 'No'?"

"No..."  The both of you smiled and laughed at each other.  

"I never got your name."

"(Name).  But you can call me (nickname) for short."

"(Name)...what a beautiful name."

Your cheeks began to fluster red, and Daesung can totally notice.  "I...need to go home."

"I'll walk you there!" he offered.  You could not believe that your favorite singer was offering to take you home and talk to you, "You don't need to, really.  But it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Daesung." reaching out your hand, hoping for him to shake yours back.  Before he could accept your handshake, a drop of water fell onto your head, then the whole town.  "So about taking you home?" he smiles and laughs.

"Okay, okay, you win.  Lets get to my place."  The both of you guys walked side by side, but the more you guys walked, the more your cheeks flustered red because Daesung's hand was brushing onto yours.  You were not sure to grab it or not.  The walk not being so long, you were at your house and opened the door.  "Make yourself feel like home!  I'll turn on the heater."

"What a wonderful place you have (Name).  I wish I could live in a place like this."

"Don't you, GD, Taeyang, T.O.P., and Suengri live in a big house?"

"Big house?  Psh, no!  We're not really about the rich life, just because we are well known or famous.  We're still people who want to live a normal life.  Have a house, nice backyard and front yard, average size living room and bedrooms, etc."

"I see..." you throw him a towel and he catches it.  You go to the bathroom to change into the sweater that you happened to buy from the last G-Dragon concert, which was the: One of a Kind sweater.  It covered your underwear, and was twice your size...so really it was roomy and comfortable.  Walking out so you can make coffee, your eyes make contact to a white shirt and flannel laying on the floor.

"Oh, uh...!" Daesung turns around in shock, "My apologies!  Sorry, sorry!  I can put my clothes back on!" reaching out for them.  You pick them up, "It's alright, don't apologies.  You want to stay in wet clothes forever, then get sick?  Crazy." you let out a small laugh.  For some reason, it made Daesung blush.  Coming back from the laundry room, Daesung hugs you tightly, "Thank you for everything.  I wish I can repay you back, but I don't know how I would do it."

"W-what?!  Daesung, you really do not need to do such things." you blushed.  "I'll make it up to you, I promise!"

Daesung x Reader:|| If Only You Knew How Much I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now