Chapter 5: Dorothy's plan

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James and Tristan went outside but while walking out, James looked directly at Helen but no-one seemed to say anything though. Tristan looked a little bit uneasy though, "what's up Trist?" James asked, concerned.

Tristan remained silent for a short while until they heard, "hello you two!" It was Dorothy, and boy, were they glad to see her! Dorothy seemed concerned because she realised how how Tristan didn't look like himself, he explained that it was the whole Helen situation but they didn't have any proof that Helen is a vampire, other than just Audrey and Jenny. "I suppose there's only one way. I've been bitten by Audrey before and I don't mind being bitten again. I have an idea but it involves acting," Dorothy suggested, "We'll pretend I've fallen over on the way here, I was closer to here than I was to home, I have blood on my arm and I'm covered in dirt, pretend I'm limping, you help me in, Helen bites me, it's foolproof! Just need to make the cut look messy though so it looks real enough." As Dorothy messes up her hair and her clothes, James became worried, "are you sure this will work?" He asked. Dorothy looked up and smiled as she cut her leg and arm, "when have my plans ever failed?" The answer was never, Dorothy's plans never failed.

As Dorothy limped in, Audrey offered her a chair to sit down on and to fetch bandages and water for her wounds but it was too late, because Helen was so tempted by the scent of her blood whereas Audrey was able to control it and in a short time, helped Jenny to control her impulses too. Audrey dropped the bowl and began to frighten everyone with the growling sound she made pushing Helen away from her best friend, "leave her alone!" And she began to sob as she went to comfort Dorothy and so did Siegfried, "Helen, how could you?!" Jenny sobbed hugging James.
"Come on Dorothy," Audrey cried, "I can't lose you!" She bit her arm and dripped the blood into Dorothy's mouth as she held Dorothy's hand, "I'm sorry Aud." She said weakly before she closed her eyes. "Dot! Dorothy! No!" Audrey shouted, "how could you Helen?"

All they could do was wait. They knew Dorothy was a strong woman but only a small amount of people don't survive the metamorphosis. About fifteen minutes later or so, Dorothy finally opened her eyes with Audrey and Siegfried still by her side, "what happened?" Dorothy asked, still feeling weak, "Helen bit you, nearly killing you but it's my blood in your system."

James and Tristan then walked out and James was in shock, he didn't want to believe it at first but now he does. "I didn't realise Helen was like this." Tristan told James sounding more frightened than uneasy. "She's kept it from us for a long time and I don't know what to do because I'm just as-" James couldn't finish his sentence because he felt a chill going up his spine, "James?" Called a familiar voice, which made him turn around, "don't do anything to me Helen, please!" Pleaded James which made Helen scoff, "why would I hurt you? I love you James." It's all a trick but James just couldn't see sense, it's all Helen trying to compel him, trying to get into his head and so far, she's got him wrapped around her fingers.

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