chapter 5 - loving talks

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Edd woke up the next morning, half asleep. It was a Saturday so he didn't have work that day, but they had to pick taria up from his parents house soon. He realized he wasn't wearing a shirt than moved the blanket realizing he was naked.
"Oh yeah, we had sex after watching the sonic movie" edd remembered.

He remembered it being very enjoyable. He put a pair of underwear and pants on before waking Matt up and putting his shirt on
"Wake up Matt!"

Matt groaned  " is it Monday already.."

" No matt we have to pick up taria.."

Matt sat up and stretched, accidentally showing his lower region. Edd blushed heavily and tried to look away.

" There's no reason not to look, we literally had sex last night.."

" I'm trying to be respectful.."

" Than look respectfully."

Edd blushed and walked to the bathroom door " I'm going to shower, feel free to join me, but we ain't having sex right now.."

" I'll keep that in mind edd." Matt said before he could get out of bed edd walked into the bathroom to shower. Matt joined the shower but nothing intimate happened. Matt just put shampoo and conditioner in edds hair and cleaned it

" C'mon Matt it's not that dirty!"

" The soap is turning brown edd, your a natural brunette so this isn't hair dye!"

"  oh fine, just don't take too long."

" When was the last time you actually took a shower!"

" A week ago.."

" jesus Christ! Edd at least take a shower every other night and wash your hair at least twice weekly!" Matt advised

" Your a very hygienic person despite the fact your room is a mess!" Edd commented

" I just have more time to shower than clean my room edd!"

" Okay Matt, hehe!"

" Edd did I bite you too hard?"
" Hm?"
" Edd you have bite marks and hickey's-"
"WHAT?!" Edd shouted
" Here I can help you just let me finish washing your hair and we can dry off!"

After they had dried off edd was panicking as Matt used a hair dryer on edds hair
" How am I going to hide this?!"
" Makeup-"
" Matt! Makeup can't solve everything!"
" It can hide this.. gal pal from highschool taught me."
Edds hair was dry and Matt styled it in his usual style and grabbed concealer and blending sponge.

Matt put some on edds neck and started rubbing it, edd noticed how it looked completely different. Soon it looked like nothing happened, Matt smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
" Thanks Matt!"
" your welcome luv, Make sure to wash it off at night, it can clog your pores if you don't!"

They had walked to the car after getting ready and edd started the car, and began driving.
" We should have couple names."
" What would you like To be called?"
" I don't know, you call me many things."

" What about tree frog?"
" Tree frog? "
" Because they're Green, or perhaps cricket?"

" What about something Sweet?" Edd asked
" sweet Potato-"

" Why?" Edd asked
" I'm calling you sweet potato-" Matt answered
" That's fine I guess"

" What about me?"
" Queen?"
" Nah, perhaps sweet prince?"
" How about pumpkin?"
"  I like pumpkin"
" Pumpkin it is!" Edd agreed.

It'll get better ( an Eddsworld Eddmatt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now