Chapter 20

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Kurumi: Well (Y/N) did Shido seem suspicious?

(Y/N): He was very confident, but I think that there's still a good chance that he hides something from us.

Kurumi: Hmm...if my clone already contacted Shido there would be no reason for him to be silent...he would tell it to his friends immediately.

(Y/N): You caused much trouble for the D.E.M...

Kurumi: Remember it wasn't me was my other me.

(Y/N): You mean with me that it was you? But not you you but you.

Kurumi: Hmmm...more like not I but I in form of another I.

(Y/N): So, it was a clone?

Kurumi: Yes...I already know which clone...I already told you the story.

(Y/N) and Kurumi were investigating together in Kurumi's home. They keep it a secret as they don't know how serious it is. Especially not Shido and the other spirits as they would be a burden.

(Y/N): Let's start by finding out what your clone did in the D.E.M industries.

Kurumi: Let's go!

Both you and Kurumi went into the D.E.M building with Kurumi's appearance changed a bit by wearing different clothes and changing her hairstyle.

D.E.M assistant: Oh god day (Y/N)! Hey cute girl you brought with you. Looks like someone got a girlfriend.

Kurumi: Hehe we really look like a pair.

She held your arm.

(Y/N): Nani! What are you doing?

Kurumi: I'm pretending to be your girlfriend that might be a good camouflage.

(Y/N): Yare, yare...

Kurumi: That wasn't a no.

Both of you stepped into the elevator to reach the floor of the action. Up there you found some D.E.M workers fixing the damage.

(Y/N): Hey you there.

D.E.M worker (sweating from hard work): Huh...yeah?

(Y/N): What did happen here yesterday.

D.E.M worker 2: It's that always happens just to create work from us.

(Y/N): We know...take a break and talk with us

Kurumi (smiling): We even brought some cakes.

D.E.M worker 3: A break would be cool...well what do you want to know?

Kurumi: The actions of the spirit.

(Y/N): What exactly did she do.

D.E.M worker: It was terrible...we only fixed the elevator as we heard the sound of gunshots from below.

(Y/N): Did someone die? Did she kill...

D.E.M worker 2: No...there was some blood as the security down there attacked the spirit girl...they identify her as Nightmare...the spirit you fought last time.

D.E.M worker 3: Hehe you know the one you completely destroyed.

The 3 workers and you laughed a bit while Kurumi rolled her eyes: Is it known why she did it?

D.E.M worker: No, sorry. But we can definitely say that it was her goal to destroy our new technology system that should have been released soon...I think she did it because she's going to attack us soon again and then we're weak.

D.E.M worker 2: Or to cause distraction...

D.E.M worker 3: She was very angry...we never saw her in that form she was strong...stronger than usual.

(Y/N): Thanks...Star Platinum!

You summoned your stand as he began to repair the damage as fast as he could fixing it in 12 seconds.

D.E.M workers: Wow...

Kurumi: Amazing...

(Y/N): You're free for today...visit your family or something like that.


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