Chapter 6

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Tohka: Sandalphon!!!

She summoned it as she immediately ran to attack (Y/N). Kaguya and Yuzuru also called their angels as all three of them attacked you at the same time thinking you would we overwhelmed but you didn't even have to do something as someone got your back.

Kakyoin: Oh no no...(Y/N) see this as my making up for burning one of your favourite hats last week.

(Y/N): You did what!!!

Kakyoin: Emerald Splash!!!

His stand shot his powerful ray at the twins as they flew back and crashed against a tree. They were hurt and bled out of some body parts but it wasn't a serious injury for them to die.

Tohka was about to hit you but the sword just stopped in front of you. Star Platinum was holding it with his little finger as Tohka didn't understand why it wouldn't go through.
Tohka: I...I don't get it. Sandalphon come on! SANDALPHON!!!

Star Platinum: ORA!!!

It hit Tohka once as she also crashed against a tree.

Tohka: stomach...

Kotori: We're to weak in our sealed least you are. CAMAEL!

That was the name of her angel she summoned. The hot weapon burning away all of the enemies she fought.
Kotori: Well then...I will take out the Frenchman first he doesn't look very strong. Then we it's just 5 left.

She flew towards Polnareff as he said: I really can't hit a little, cute girl. That would be a no-go. But defending myself is ok. I will just try not to hurt her.

His stand, Silver Chariot, was standing in front of Polnareff using the blades to kick Camael out of Kotori's hands. Of course Kotori was surprised and confused as she couldn't see the stand.

Kotori: C-Camael? How?

Kurumi (thoughts): Again...again...all of them...they have invisible weapons!!!

Polnareff: Try to not hurt her. Silver Chariot!!!

His stand attacked Kotori very gentle and she flew away with some little cuts. She wasn't as injured as the others but the cuts still were a little painful as she slowly began to regenerate.

Natsumi: K-Kotori! You're going to pay!

She took out her angel as she pointed towards Polnareff.

Suddenly it was taken away from her...some long arms swung towards her stealing it.

Natsumi: W-What?! It just flew away.

And also...she saw no stand.

Joseph: The power of Hermit Purple! Hahaha!

Kurumi: They are fighting with angels that are invisible...I figured that out when I fought (Y/N).

Origami: Leave it to me...they stand no chance against my po...arghh!!!

She was covered in sand not able not move.

Polnareff: Haha good job Iggy!

Iggy: *Barking in joy*

(Y/N): maybe noticed that you have no chance against the Stardust Crusaders. Nobody of us even fought seriously. Just come with us we can maybe find a way to...

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