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Walking home at night in a quiet part of New York City – not really that big of a deal, right? Walking home at night, getting perpetually lost, in an ungodly amount of rain is when it becomes a problem. You groaned in irritation as you looked down at your nice new totally drenched outfit. You couldn't wait to get home.

Covering your head to no avail, you broke into a sprint to find cover, running through the storm that was raging all around you. Every shop or store that was open moments ago seemed to be closed now, and you began to panic, feeling very confused about where you were or where you were going. Skittering around a corner, you came to a brief stop to try and catch your breath and figure out your location.

Unbeknownst to you, you had misjudged your positioning, and were actually in the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk.

Staring out into the darkness, you heard something rumbling behind you and turned to see a car approaching you faster than it should. Frozen in shock, you stared stupidly at the headlights of the vehicle, not even thinking that this could be the last thing you ever see.

When you realized you shouldn't be standing here, gaping into the face of imminent danger and possible death, it was too late to move and you squeezed your [e/c] eyes shut, awaiting impact.

The next thing you knew was that you were laying against the pavement, gasping for air, but otherwise intact except for the major bruise on your tailbone. You were alive. How were you alive? You opened your eyes and went to sit up when you realized there was someone on top of you. You tensed when the person began to lecture you. "What the heck were you thinking? You can't just stop in the middle of the road! You got a death wish or something?"

Blinking in surprised confusion, you sputtered out the only thing you could manage at this point. "Thank you."

The boy (you could only assume it was a boy by the voice) seemed genuinely surprised at your comment, but his sour mood returned once more. "Whatever. Just be more careful next time."

He got off of you, and stood, about to walk away when you reached out, quickly sitting up, wincing when you felt the bruise. "W- wait!"

"What?" He turned, seeming irritated. Suddenly, thunder roared with the lightning flashes and you were able to see what he really looked like. A turtle, not much taller than you with vibrant green eyes narrowed in your general direction. They widened a bit when he realized you had seen his identity, but narrowed. "If you tell anybody about me, you're really gonna get a beat down."

Rude, much? Flinching back a bit at his harsh tone, you stood up a bit straighter, glaring right back at him, "I'm lost, can you help me get home?"

He was silent, and you began to feel unsure if he would help you or just leave you here in the pouring rain. "Fine."

"I'm [Y/n]," You held out a hand for him to shake but he only glanced at it before nodding, turning away. Awkwardly dropping your hand back to your side, you jogged to catch up with him. "What's your name?"

He glanced at you momentarily, before looking straight again. "...Raph."

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