Chapter 1

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

For those who might not know him, his name is Pond Naravit Lertratkosum. He was the main actor together with Phuwin Tangsakyuen in the series "Fish Upon the Sky"

"You're so bad at singing," Pond teased Gun as Gun rejoined him at table in the karaoke pub where Gun and a group of close friends including Gun's boyfriend Pond, were celebrating Gun's birthday.

"And you're so bad, periodT," Gun frowned at Pond.

Pond laughed, his nose crinkling, making him look adorably cute. Pond's sexy laughter never failed to tie up Gun's stomach into knots. Gun tried to stay calm.

"I'm just teasing, sweetheart," Pond planted a kiss on Gun's cheeks. "Happy birthday, my love. My birthday present is waiting for you in the trunk of my car."

One of the guests raised a bottle of beer saying, "To Gun, that he may have many more birthdays to come!"

"To Gun!" everyone else chorused, raising their bottles.

"Let's sneak off while everybody's too buzzed to notice our disappearance," Pond whispered to Gun.

"Okay," Gun said, allowing Pond to grab his wrist and to lead him away from the pub.

Pond led Gun to his car that was parked right across from the entrance of the pub. He opened the trunk of his car and brought out a gift box. He gave Gun a quick peck on the lips before handing the gift box to Gun.

"Open it, sweetheart," Pond said.

Gun untied the silver ribbon and pulled up the top part of the box. He gasped when he saw what was inside it.

It was a 20x24 inch custom mosaic photo of Gun with the sea as background and the shot had caught Gun with a very pensive expression on his face.

"When did you take this pic?" Gun asked.

"Last month at the beach when you walked away from me and hid behind a rock because you said you wanted to be alone for a while," said Pond. "I followed you secretly and snapped it while you were looking at the horizon."

Gun had clearly remembered that incident. Yes, he had wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He was trying to fight with himself as to whether he should break up with Pond at that time. At that time Gun was having a very strong suspicion that Pond was dating someone else behind Gun's back. Problem was Gun did not have sufficient evidence to accuse Pond of cheating. It was all just an intuition on Gun's part. Gun had decided to shelve the idea and to give Pond another chance.

"You remember now?" Gun was brought back to the present by Pond's question.

"Yes I do," Gun replied.

"Let's go to my place and have our own private celebration of your birthday," Pond said, pressing his car key to unlock the doors.

Pond kissed Gun once more when they were seated inside Pond's car. This time it was not just a peck but a lingering kiss.

"Let's go," Pond said.

Pond drove his car to his condo unit which was not too far from where the pub was situated. The only thing that delayed them from getting there was the usual heavy evening traffic.

"You can leave your gift inside the car," Pond said when they arrived at Pond's building.

They took the elevator to Pond's unit which was on the third floor.

"You should have chosen a unit on the ground floor," Gun remarked as they walked out of the elevator after reaching the third floor.

"Why?" Pond asked.

"In case there's a fire or any other kind of emergency that requires of you to leave the building immediately, being on the ground floor would make it so much easier for you," Gun replied.

"Stop thinking about disasters," Pond said as he unlocked his front door and stepped aside to let Gun go inside first.

"Tonight, we will think of nothing but making you happy," Pond said, kicking the door shut and lifting Gun in his arms and carrying him inside the bedroom.

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