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Luckily the teacher let them out a bit early, so Izzy didn't have to rush so much to work.

"I'm sorry, Tae but I gotta go to work." Said male pouted. He wanted more time with her. "You have my number, and I have yours. I'll call you once i'm off." He nodded stubbornly and wrapped his arms around her waist. He was still sitting and she was standing by now, but it was still a warm hug. Taehyung didn't wanna let her go.

He then stood up, basically towering over her 5'7 frame and smiled, leaning his forehead down against her own. Izzy got a sudden strong urge, and bit her lip to suppress it. Taehyung caught her move and smirked.



"Can I kiss you?"

By now all of the class was gone, including the professor. So Izzy smiled and gave into her urges, leaning up and connecting their lips.

Taehyung grinned into the kiss. Happiness spread through every part of him as he felt her soul connect with his. In that moment they were intertwined.

It took Izzy a while to get him to stop kissing her. She wasn't protesting, she actually gave in most of the time, but she had to go to work. But god he was a good kisser.

Finally he walked her out to her car with a text to the others he would be late to meet with them after classes.

"Do you work tomorrrow?" He asked as they walked, hand in hand.

"No I don't work tuesdays or thursday's because my classes run until seven." She messed with his rings. She liked doing that, messing with people's rings or bracelets. Taehyung picked up on that and found it cute.

"Maybe you'll let me take you to dinner?"

"Won't the others get jealous?"

"They already are, but they're respecting your wish to meet naturally." He smiled, turning towards her.

"We'll see." She smiled back. He grinned and leaned down for one last kiss, this one lingering.

"You, Isabella Bailey, are addicting." He whispered, his breath fanning over her face. She flushed, wanting to curl in on herself in that moment. He chuckled and opened her car door, allowing her to get in. She composed herself before she got in, blowing her new lover a kiss and pulling out of the parking lot. He watched her go until he couldn't anymore.

Izzy called Jihoon immediately and explained everything. Said male started freaking out about her finding two of them and the other five just around the corner. Her heart was going a million miles an hour, but in a good way.

Izzy worked as a waitress. You might think it might not be a good job but she had been working there for four years. The owner of the place loved her and treated her like a daughter. She got paid quite a bit of money ($16/h) while taking home $100-150 home each night in tips. People loved her and she was borderline a manager.

She got there a minute before her shift thanks to the delay with Taehyung. But she still clocked in on time and tugged her hair back into a low bun and started in on taking and running orders. The cooks in the back greeted her as she ran around.

Hours passed and soon it was 9pm and the cafe was closing. Izzy quickly swept and mopped the floors before she left and headed on home. She sent a quick text to Taehyung and Hoseok that she was leaving and started her drive.

Her apartment still felt increasingly empty as she walked inside. She didn't have much furniture yet. She had a single armchair and an old coffee table in her living room, no dining room able yet, and most of her furniture laid in her bedroom. Over time she would get more, but this would have to do for now.

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